Please pray for TOM and AMANDA MILBURN, friends of some in the congregation, who lost their baby girl Jaina this morning due to a congenital heart defect.
12 years ago
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YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: What was the last epistle that Paul most probably wrote? His second letter to his brother in Christ (and a man he treated as a son) Timothy.____________________________________________________________________TODAY'S QUIZ: ( A harder one.) Was it considered a sin to eat "unclean" meat in the first Christian church? Provide proof of your answer. (Hint: the answer can be found in Romans.)________________________________________________________________________CALENDAR:Tues- Quilting 9-2; Bible study 11:30; Trustees 7Wed- Board of outreach 10am; Dinner 5:30; Hymn sing 6:15; worship 6:30Thurs- Karate 5pm; Praise Band 6pm
Sat- Men's breakfast 8am; Little Lambs Christmas program 2pm; Worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30; Bible Study and Sunday school 9:45; Choir rehearsal 9:45; worship 11; elders meeting noon; LL program #2 2pm
Acolytes- Wed- Sophie Tinnin 8:30- Dustin Toedebusch 11- Jacob Winn
Altar guild- Set up- Ruth Walters; Clean up- Wanda Turnure
Greeters- 8:30- Don and Donna Sherman; 11- Joan Sexton
Communion Assistants- Sat- Jim Rahn; 8:30- Don Turnure 11- Dave Winter
Lay Readers- Sat- Jim Rahn, 8:30- Jacob Nagel, 11- Kailyn Blechle
Ushers- Wed- Dae Winter, Gary Scott, Larry Schulze, Scott Schulze- Sunday: Allan Dreyer, Lew Feldkamp, Kent Jacobsmeyer, Paul Klover
Projectors- Sat-- Pam; Sun 8:30- Schaumberg 11-- ???????????
Pianists/organists: Sat- Barb Dreyer; Sun- Gene Hilgendorf 11am- Molly Hendershot
____________________________________________________________________________________________________NEWS:MEN'S BREAKFAST THIS SATURDAY AT 8AM!!Come and join us for some good breakfast and Bible study following!!_______________________________________________________________BEVERLY WAALEN VISITATION AND FUNERAL IS THIS COMING MONDAY MORNING, Dec. 15.Visitation-- 10-11amFuneral-- 11amBurial at Jefferson Barracks to followMemorials may be made to St. John's.___________________________________________________________________REBECCA BOONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TRADING POST NEEDS YOUR HELP!As many of you know, but many don't, Rebecca Boone Elementary has a Trading Post. At this Trading Post kids are able to redeem Boone Bucks that they earn through good attendance, good grades, and good behavior.
Many of the kids and their families at RBE live at or below the poverty level and are in great need. Below is a list of items that are needed to "trade" for in the month of December. Please consider buying some of these items and bringing them to RBE between 8am-3pm, or if you'd rather, bring them up to church and I will get them there. Just leave them in my office.RBE Trading Post Wish List for December:
Boys deodorant
Lotion (travel size)
Blankets (lap, throws)
Snow boots (all sizes)
Pencil sharpeners (small individual, for desk or backpack)
Individual snacks
Holiday wrapping paper
Scotch tape
______________________________________________________________________________ADVENT DINNER AND WORSHIP CONTINUES THIS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10!!Supper at 5:30Your elder will be calling you to direct you as to when to bring food! Please come to all of the dinners though! Yu can't beat fried chicken and tons of great sides every Wednesday night! A small free will donation is appreciated to offset the cost of the chicken. Please also make sure you bring your dishes home after supper! And please be aware that they will not be washed.Worship at 6:30Our worship theme is COME, LORD JESUS! Focusing on the Lord's Prayer and the Common table prayer, we will talk about what it means that we want Jesus to come into the world, into our hearts, and into eternity!!__________________________________________________________________________________________________SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN ARE PRACTICING FOR THE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM DURING SUNDAY SCHOOL TIME!If you want your child to be part of the program they need to be in Sunday school! The program will be at the 11am service on December 21.__________________________________________________________________________________OFFERING ENVELOPES ARE READY TO BE PICKED UP IN THE NARTHEX!!
Please go by your name, not your old envelope number. All numbers have changed. Make sure you get yours next time you are at church!!!____________________________________________________________________________POINSETTIAS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE FOR CHRISTMAS EVE AND DAY!!The sign up sheet is on the counter in the narthex or you can call Marilyn to order yours. You can take yours home with you after Christmas Day!! Please sign up by December 14. Cost is $13.50 each. Many purchase them in honor or in memory of a loved one.__________________________________________________________________________________________LADIES AID INVITES ALL LADIES TO JOIN THEM FOR A CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10 AT NOON AT DENNY'S. This is in place of the regular ladies aid meeting._________________________________________________________________________________________A VOLUNTEER IS NEEDED TO BE A DELEGATE TO THE MISSOURI DISTRICT CONVENTION IN SPRINGFIELD, MO JUNE 14-16All voting members (men or women) are eligible. In order for our congregation to have a complete voice we need to have complete representation! Please call me or reply to this email if you would like to serve your church in this way!!_____________________________________________________________________________________________WE STILL NEED ONE MORE ELDER!!!Elder duties-1. Assist the pastor in the spiritual matters of the congregation.2. Consider complaints and grievances according to Matthew 18:15-183. Make every effort to get inactive members back to worship and supporting the church as they have pledged to God to do.4. See to it that all worship is held in an orderly and joyful manner.5. Prepare a list of candidates during a vacancy.6. Consider salary and benefits for all staff and make recommendations.7. Consider those who are eligible for membership.8. Be a good Christian example with regular worship and Bible study attendance and in their Christian conduct and conversation.
__________________________________________________________________________________________PRAYER REQUESTS: (If you have a prayer request please reply to this email or call me at 636-359-1061)For the FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF BEVERLY WAALEN as she passed from death to eternal life Sunday evening.For MARIE HARVEY, sister in law of Lil's daughter Cheri, who had stage 4 cancer and is only 56.For Tony Verme, father in law of Lil's daughter Cheri, who is still dealing with severe illness and may be nearing the end of his lifeFor TODD PONDER, former band teacher/director and friend to many at St. John's, who suffered a massive stroke and can't do anything but move his eyes. He is unable to breathe on his own.For ROSETTA JONES who fell and broke her wrist and is recovering from surgery on it at Delmar Gardens.For OUR CONTINUED FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND SPEECH in the United States, that we would continue to be able to freely speak the truth even in the face of opposition.For our NATION'S MILITARY LEADERS AND SOLDIERS as they figure out what to do about the imminent threats from ISIS.For MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, who are being persecuted to the point of death for their faith.