DEVOTION: (Jesus) did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the Name that is above every name, so that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:6b -11
The Carlson family had escaped the fire that was consuming their Wausau, Wisconsin, home. The only one missing was their dog, Koda, a Labrador retriever.
It took a while before some of the firefighters found and carried the dog out of the house.
At first it appeared they had been too late, and the dog had died from the intense smoke in the burning building. After a lengthier examination, it was evident that the dog was still struggling to breathe.
Although he had never been trained for anything like such a situation, fireman Jamie Giese leaned in and began mouth-to-snout respiration.
With Giese's assistance the dog began to breathe, and the firemen quickly covered her nose with a human oxygen mask. From there the dog was rushed to an animal hospital and an emergency center.
Today, Koda is back with family.
When I read that story, my first reaction was I wonder what the fireman was thinking when he bent down to help that dog? Do you think he would have done the same if it had been a cat, a parakeet, a hamster, a mouse, a goldfish?
Where would his compassion have stopped? Where would he have stopped and said, "No, I'm not going to do this. This is below my station."
Even though the distance which separates the Savior from us is far greater than the distance between the fireman and the pet, Scripture never records Jesus saying our salvation was below Him.
On the contrary, Paul points out that Jesus willingly made Himself nothing ... made Himself a servant ... became a man ... humbled Himself even to the point where He would die on a cross so we might be saved.
In this Jesus shows the kind of selfless sacrifice we don't deserve, but for which we must give thanks.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, I give thanks for those men and women, who are willing to risk their lives for my welfare. Even more do I rejoice that I have been given a Savior who did all that was necessary to forgive my sins and save my soul. In Jesus I give thanks. Amen.
TODAY'S QUIZ: (held over from yesterday since no one answered it.)
How long were the 4,000 people with Jesus before he fed them? (Not to be confused with the feeding of the 5,000.)
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The Carlson family had escaped the fire that was consuming their Wausau, Wisconsin, home. The only one missing was their dog, Koda, a Labrador retriever.
It took a while before some of the firefighters found and carried the dog out of the house.
At first it appeared they had been too late, and the dog had died from the intense smoke in the burning building. After a lengthier examination, it was evident that the dog was still struggling to breathe.
Although he had never been trained for anything like such a situation, fireman Jamie Giese leaned in and began mouth-to-snout respiration.
With Giese's assistance the dog began to breathe, and the firemen quickly covered her nose with a human oxygen mask. From there the dog was rushed to an animal hospital and an emergency center.
Today, Koda is back with family.
When I read that story, my first reaction was I wonder what the fireman was thinking when he bent down to help that dog? Do you think he would have done the same if it had been a cat, a parakeet, a hamster, a mouse, a goldfish?
Where would his compassion have stopped? Where would he have stopped and said, "No, I'm not going to do this. This is below my station."
Even though the distance which separates the Savior from us is far greater than the distance between the fireman and the pet, Scripture never records Jesus saying our salvation was below Him.
On the contrary, Paul points out that Jesus willingly made Himself nothing ... made Himself a servant ... became a man ... humbled Himself even to the point where He would die on a cross so we might be saved.
In this Jesus shows the kind of selfless sacrifice we don't deserve, but for which we must give thanks.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, I give thanks for those men and women, who are willing to risk their lives for my welfare. Even more do I rejoice that I have been given a Savior who did all that was necessary to forgive my sins and save my soul. In Jesus I give thanks. Amen.
TODAY'S QUIZ: (held over from yesterday since no one answered it.)
How long were the 4,000 people with Jesus before he fed them? (Not to be confused with the feeding of the 5,000.)
CATECHISM QUIZ: How does Christ's perfect keeping of the law benefit us?
Thurs- Jonesburg nursing home worship 10:30; Alzheimer's support group meeting 1pm
Fri- Ladies getting ready for the bake and craft sale all day
Sat- Ladies Aid luncheon/ bake/ craft sale 9am-1pm; worship 5pm
Sun- Bible study 8; worship 9; Sunday school and Bible class 10:30
Chicken salad, chicken soup, chili, hotdogs, and lots of wonderful desserts!
Desserts and crafts for sale!!
Come and enjoy it this Saturday!
Our fellowship group is hosting a Wine Tasting Fellowship---at Cedar Lake Winery near Wright City, off of Hwy M. Sat. Nov. 12, from 1:30 till 4:00 p.m. Wine Tasting-$5.00, Appetizers-$5.00 Sign up at church, or call Joanne Hachtel at 636-745-8711
Even though you missed the beginning you can still get in on it! We haven't really begun the study but only introduced things!
It is called "Lutheranism 101". It is an in depth study of the Lutheran church and our teachings, but it is not just for Bible scholars. It is for EVERYONE!
If you know of someone who wants to know more about the Lutheran faith, for whatever reason, this is a great study for them.
If you know someone interested in joining our church, this is the perfect study for them.
If you were confirmed years ago and have forgotten a lot of what you learned, this is the study for you!
If you know it all, and remember it all and want to help by sharing your knowledge with others, this is a good Bible study for you.
All in all it is a GREAT Bible study for anyone and everyone. Invite your unchurched friends! Come by yourself. Drop your kids off at Sunday school and come on over!
Please reply with any questions you may have or just to tell me you are coming!
If you know of someone who wants to know more about the Lutheran faith, for whatever reason, this is a great study for them.
If you know someone interested in joining our church, this is the perfect study for them.
If you were confirmed years ago and have forgotten a lot of what you learned, this is the study for you!
If you know it all, and remember it all and want to help by sharing your knowledge with others, this is a good Bible study for you.
All in all it is a GREAT Bible study for anyone and everyone. Invite your unchurched friends! Come by yourself. Drop your kids off at Sunday school and come on over!
Please reply with any questions you may have or just to tell me you are coming!
Our Youth Group is putting together 300 hygiene packets for families and individuals for the Stand Down Day on November 19.
It would be preferable to get complete packets but we will be happy to accept donations of loose items or cash to purchase items as well.
Packets should be contained in a ziplock bag. Full sized items are needed:
Also, The food pantry is in need of A LOT of stuff
staple items like sugar and flour.
Meals that can be cooked for families such as pasta and pasta sauce
canned food that is ready to eat
Disposable diapers and tampons are also in demand.
The Lutheran Study Bible, The Children's Story Bible, and many other popular Bibles are on sale. Call Marilyn if you want to order. You can also go to to check them out.
24- (Thanksgiving Day)
PRAYERS: (If I have missed anyone please let me know.)
For Robyn McNew's cousin MARY KUTRIP who is dealing with terminal cancer and has quit doing treatments for it.
For PASTOR MCCRACKEN'S FATHER who has been placed on hospice care and is no longer doing dyalisis.
For WILMA JUNKER'S FRIEND, ROBY, who will have to have heart surgery soon.
For WALT SCHIRR who is home. The diagnosis was a severe muscle spasm in his back that moved around to his chest.
THANKS TO GOD FOR MARIANNE LINKE who has been transferred to St. Mary's but is doing well and should be able to go home in a couple weeks after she is done with physical therapy.
For RUTH CANTRELL who is dealing with severe cancer.
For CAROL KOHRS who is dealing with sever neck and back pain.
For ROGER BOEGER who is recovering from heart troubles.
For PATTY SWEET'S BROTHER JIM who will have to have a very serious biopsy on his brain this week.
For a dear childhood friend of Don and Dianne Hance, Larry Riegel. Believed to be benign tumor was removed from colon, but more tests are required.
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is undergoing chemotherapy treatments.
For JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, who continues to be up and down because of chemotherapy treatments.
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