Before he sentenced Jesus to death, Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, "what is truth?" In a different part of his life Jesus answered that question when he said, "I am the way, and the TRUTH, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." JESUS IS TRUTH!
Being a Christian all my life I am convinced of that by the Holy Spirit. As I live in this sinful world though I have become more and more aware that too many people in this world are not convinced of that. They are living by their own made up truth. Whatever fits in their brain, whatever they can conceive and understand, and whatever can be explained by human reason and science, that is the "truth". Science becomes their god. Their own reason trumps God's knowledge and power. Satan does a good job of convincing people of this lie. He has been doing it since the beginning. It was Adam and Eve's first temptation to "know" good and evil, to "know" as much or more than God knew, to be like God.
I want to urge you, brothers and sisters in Christ, to hold to Christ's teaching and to believe in it more surely every day! Then you will know the REAL TRUTH, and that TRUTH, JESUS, will set you free! Live free in Christ! Live free of sin, death, and the power of hell! Live free of guilt and shame! Live in the freedom that is the knowledge of the TRUTH!
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, thank you for being the way, the truth, and the life for me! Amen! Alleluia!
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: Where was Jesus born and where did he spend most of his life till age 30? He was born in Bethlehem but spent most of his early life in Nazareth.
Mon- Fri-- Little Lambs Camp
Sat- Bible Study 4; Worship 5
Sun- worship 8:30; Sunday school 9:45; worship 11
Acolytes- 8:30- Dustin Toedebusch 11- ????::: Aug 3-- 8:30 Patrick Schaumberg; 11 Leah Vossen
Altar guild- Set up- Marilyn Foster and Sue Ruhl; Clean Up-- Judy Koprowski:::: Aug. 3 ????
Greeters- 8:30- Don and Donna Sherman; 11- Naomi Johnson:::: Aug. 3-- 8:30- Rob and Julie Schaumberg 11- Dan and Lisa Rausch
Communion Assistants- Sat- Steve Robine; 8:30- Rich Talbert ; 11- Jim Rahn::::: Aug 2 and 3- Sat. Charlie Figura, 8:30- Rich Boeger 11- Dave Winter
Lay Readers- Sat- Steve Robine; 8:30- ????; 11am- Jim Rahn:::::: Aug 2 and 3- Sat. LynnFigura; Sun 8:30- Lois Boeger 11-?????
8:30 Ushers- George Hoelscher, Brent Davis, Gary Hoelscher, Walt Schirr::::: Aug 3- Marv Hendershot, Don Luebke, Dave Callies, Don Nolte
Projectors- No projectors this weekend or next
Sat pianist- Molly Hendershot; Aug 2-- Barb Dreyer
LABOR DAY FLOAT TRIP-- Float trip will be through Ozark Outdoors. Meet at the river at 10am for a 4 mile float. Please contact Teresa Scott to sign up. She can be reached by email at, cell phone or text at 636-359-5041 or at Schraer heating and air conditioning at 636-456-5041. When signing up, [please provide your best phone contact number and email address, if you have one. More info to follow.
Kelsey is a great teacher and she has a lot of info in her brain and heart that she wants to get out to you!!
This week is chapter 25 "Jesus, the Son of God" READ IT!!
Please keep up with your reading!
Alan Hofeldt
Wonderful blaze orange t-shirts are for sale for $10 a piece to help support our board of outreach and evangelism's efforts and to raise money to provide for those in need. Pick up your size today and put your $10 in the box provided!!! They are located in the narthex (entry way) of church upstairs.
PRAYER REQUESTS: (If you have a prayer request please reply to this email or call me at 636-359-1061)
For the FAMILY OF PHONSE HURLEY, a close family friend of the Perricones and former mother in law of Sandra, who went to heaven this past Saturday.
FOR NANCY SPINIOLAS who is recovering from a broken wrist.
For SHAWN JAEGER who is dealing with an infection in his leg and needs to take strong antibiotics. He is at home.
For LYNN MESSER, a friend of Jo Fahrni, who went missing this past week, that she will be found safe and well very soon.
For PAT PUCKETT recovering from shoulder replacement at home and doing very well
For ED KOHRS who is hospitalized from a minor fall last week, but is doing well.