This coming Saturday, June 28, is the Summer Agape Luau Fundraiser which raises $10,000+ for Agape. We eliminated our large committee this year in hopes of raising more money and thought we could secure young people to help with the event, but I am running short in this area.
We need volunteers to help set up at 10:00am Saturday morning (2 hours) and we need 4 valet parkers for the event (5:30-11:30) and we need 2 people to work the event (5:30-11:30, cleaning tables, running for ice, light candles, etc).
If you know of any responsible young people, 18 years +, it would save us from hiring our employees at $10+/hour. I hate to deduct from the proceeds to hire people, but I have already reached out to the law enforcement “Explorers”, the Warrenton “Iteract Club” and St. Dominic HS for service hours (through contacts with each).
Thanks in advance for your help.
Debbi Baker