Preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth. 2 Timothy 4:2-4
The old comic strip "Lil Abner" used to have a character, the community preacher who was known as "Marryin' Sam." Marryin' Sam specialized in two-dollar weddings.
Over the years I've met a few preachers who were like that character. I've also met a few who were Buryin' Sams. By that I mean they would for a price provide a eulogy service for just about anyone. The faith of the dearly departed or his family or anyone else was quite unimportant.
Most Lutheran pastors aren't that way -- at least not from my experience.
That's why I believe most will understand the story of a pastor who was trying to reach out to a dying man, a dying man who had spent a lifetime laughing at the concept of a Savior and Jesus' blood-bought salvation.
During the months before the man's departure, the minister would occasionally stop by to see him. If he couldn't stop, he would send the fellow a short note of encouragement. Always, always the minister was careful to not let the door slam shut that the Holy Spirit had opened.
Finally the time of the man's ending was near. Aware his clock would soon stop ticking, the sick man sent for the minister. He began the conversation saying, "I didn't ask you here so you could regale me with religion. I did, however, want to thank you for your kindness."
Understanding the rules of the conversation, the minister inquired, "May I ask one question?"
"Yes," said the man, "one question as long as it isn't about religion."
The minister spoke: "Okay. Here goes. I'm preaching tomorrow. Quite a few people will be there to hear me. Some, like you, may soon be facing death. Here's my question: What shall I preach about?"
There was a long silence. The reply came: "Pastor, preach Christ to them. Preach Christ."
That was, of course, the admonition St. Paul gave to young Timothy. Preach the Word, condemn the sin, proclaim the Gospel, boldly and patiently encourage God's people to a way of living that pleases Him.
Even though doing what St. Paul encouraged is not always popular, over the centuries every true preacher has taken the apostle's words seriously.
Why? Because there is no other savior who can forgive sins, no other redeemer who can save souls. Which, during the first month of the new year, leads me to share this encouragement: If you have a preacher who is faithful to the Word, please encourage and thank him.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, for all You have done I am most thankful. Through the Holy Spirit's calling of faithful preachers I have been blessed. Now may these undershepherds be empowered to reach out to those who are lost and show them their sin as well as the Savior. In Your Name I ask it. Amen.
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: What did the Israelites do with the dough they had without the yeast in it as they were leaving Egypt? They left it in the kneading troughs, wrapped it all up in cloths and carried it on their shoulders out of Egypt. It was without yeast. (Dolores Deblaze is our champ!)
TODAY'S QUIZ: What animals were supposed to be sacrificed at the consecration of a priest?
Close of the commandments
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Preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth. 2 Timothy 4:2-4
The old comic strip "Lil Abner" used to have a character, the community preacher who was known as "Marryin' Sam." Marryin' Sam specialized in two-dollar weddings.
Over the years I've met a few preachers who were like that character. I've also met a few who were Buryin' Sams. By that I mean they would for a price provide a eulogy service for just about anyone. The faith of the dearly departed or his family or anyone else was quite unimportant.
Most Lutheran pastors aren't that way -- at least not from my experience.
That's why I believe most will understand the story of a pastor who was trying to reach out to a dying man, a dying man who had spent a lifetime laughing at the concept of a Savior and Jesus' blood-bought salvation.
During the months before the man's departure, the minister would occasionally stop by to see him. If he couldn't stop, he would send the fellow a short note of encouragement. Always, always the minister was careful to not let the door slam shut that the Holy Spirit had opened.
Finally the time of the man's ending was near. Aware his clock would soon stop ticking, the sick man sent for the minister. He began the conversation saying, "I didn't ask you here so you could regale me with religion. I did, however, want to thank you for your kindness."
Understanding the rules of the conversation, the minister inquired, "May I ask one question?"
"Yes," said the man, "one question as long as it isn't about religion."
The minister spoke: "Okay. Here goes. I'm preaching tomorrow. Quite a few people will be there to hear me. Some, like you, may soon be facing death. Here's my question: What shall I preach about?"
There was a long silence. The reply came: "Pastor, preach Christ to them. Preach Christ."
That was, of course, the admonition St. Paul gave to young Timothy. Preach the Word, condemn the sin, proclaim the Gospel, boldly and patiently encourage God's people to a way of living that pleases Him.
Even though doing what St. Paul encouraged is not always popular, over the centuries every true preacher has taken the apostle's words seriously.
Why? Because there is no other savior who can forgive sins, no other redeemer who can save souls. Which, during the first month of the new year, leads me to share this encouragement: If you have a preacher who is faithful to the Word, please encourage and thank him.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, for all You have done I am most thankful. Through the Holy Spirit's calling of faithful preachers I have been blessed. Now may these undershepherds be empowered to reach out to those who are lost and show them their sin as well as the Savior. In Your Name I ask it. Amen.
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: What did the Israelites do with the dough they had without the yeast in it as they were leaving Egypt? They left it in the kneading troughs, wrapped it all up in cloths and carried it on their shoulders out of Egypt. It was without yeast. (Dolores Deblaze is our champ!)
TODAY'S QUIZ: What animals were supposed to be sacrificed at the consecration of a priest?
Close of the commandments
Question: What does God say about all these commandments?
He says, "I the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep my commandments."
Question #2: What does this mean?
Answer #2: God threatens to punish all who break these commandments. Therefore, we should fear his wrath and not do anything against them. But He promises grace and every blessing to all who keep these commandments. Therefore, we should also love and trust in Him and gladly do what He commands.
Mon- confirmation 5pm; youth 6:30
Tues- Quilters 9-2; PASTOR ON THE RADIO and AM 850; No Bible study as the quilters are going out for lunch
Wed- Bells 6:30; choir 7:30
Thurs- Jonesburg nursing home worship 10:30; Alzheimer's support group 1pm
Fri- nothing
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun- Bible Study 8; worship 9; Bible Study and Sunday school 10:15; WORSHIP 11am
At least that is what I heard from the many great comments I have received.
A big thank you to all of you who showed up yesterday and especially to the twelve preschool kids and their parents who showed up.
For those of you who were ther yesterday, I would appreciate your comments so that we can make it the best possible worship experience for everyone. I PROMISE that I won't get as "long winded" as I did yesterday.
Remember that there is COMMUNION this coming Sunday!
PROJECTOR SCHEDULE: KEEP SIGNING UP!!! A lot of empty times and dates!
Feb 4- Mckenzie
> 5- 9am- Schaumberg 11am-
> Feb 11- Perricone
> 12- 9am- Schaumberg 11am- Heitgerd
> Feb 18-
> 19- 9am- Denise Schleselmann 11am-
> Feb 22- (Ash Wednesday) Mckenzie
> Feb 25- Perricone
> 26- 9am- Mckenzie 11am- Heitgerd
> Wed, Feb 28- Mckenzie
> Mar 3- Mckenzie
> 4- 9am- Schaumberg 11am-
> Wed, Mar 7- Denise Schlesselmann
> Mar 10- Perricone
> 11- 9am- Schaumberg 11am- Heitgerd
> Wed, Mar 14- Mckenzie
> Mar 17- Perricone
> 18- 9am- Denise Schlesslemann 11am-
> Wed, Mar 21- mckenzie
> Mar 24- Mckenzie
> 25- 9am- 11am-
> Wed, Mar 28- Denise Schlesselmann
> Mar 31-
> Apr 1- (Palm Sunday) 9am- 11am-
> Apr 5- (Maundy Thursday) Mckenzie
> Apr 6- (Good Friday) Mckenzie
> Apr 8- (Easter Sunday)
> 6:30am- Schaumberg 10am- Mckenzie
> 5- 9am- Schaumberg 11am-
> Feb 11- Perricone
> 12- 9am- Schaumberg 11am- Heitgerd
> Feb 18-
> 19- 9am- Denise Schleselmann 11am-
> Feb 22- (Ash Wednesday) Mckenzie
> Feb 25- Perricone
> 26- 9am- Mckenzie 11am- Heitgerd
> Wed, Feb 28- Mckenzie
> Mar 3- Mckenzie
> 4- 9am- Schaumberg 11am-
> Wed, Mar 7- Denise Schlesselmann
> Mar 10- Perricone
> 11- 9am- Schaumberg 11am- Heitgerd
> Wed, Mar 14- Mckenzie
> Mar 17- Perricone
> 18- 9am- Denise Schlesslemann 11am-
> Wed, Mar 21- mckenzie
> Mar 24- Mckenzie
> 25- 9am- 11am-
> Wed, Mar 28- Denise Schlesselmann
> Mar 31-
> Apr 1- (Palm Sunday) 9am- 11am-
> Apr 5- (Maundy Thursday) Mckenzie
> Apr 6- (Good Friday) Mckenzie
> Apr 8- (Easter Sunday)
> 6:30am- Schaumberg 10am- Mckenzie
What is it? Bible 101 is a new online product from Concordia Publishing House that increases Biblical literacy in adults.
It is for all levels of learning and knowledge. Even pastors learn things from this course.
Participants simply log into Bible 101 and enter an online learning environment. Members start out by learning essential Bible basics from "square one" and then build upon that as they progress through the course.
Here are som of the features of Bible 101
online- uses proven online educational strategies and models that facilitate retention among multiple learning styles.
videos- throughout the week, participants can access videos that relate to the lesson
discussion forum- participants are not left on their own as they are connected to a community where they can correspond, question, and encourage each other.
podcasts- daily devotional for each weekday
quizzes- test your knowledge and easily benchmakr where you are in your learning cycle.
printing- easily print the materials for even more easy access.
Please call or reply to this email to let me know that you want to sign up for this wonderful opportunity. I will sign you up! The congregation has already paid the annual fee so IT IS FREE for you!!!
All who want to go need to sign up. Directions on how to sign up are as follows:
1. Go to
2. Click on "volunteer in Joplin"
3. Go to bottom of page and click on "click here to register individually"
4. Fill out all of the required info. (Your group's name is St John's Warrenton, MO)
5. Click submit at the end of the page.
Let me know if you want to go. ALL ADULTS ARE WELCOME!!!!
Youth are selling dinner/auction tickets in the narthex after services. Tickets are $15 per person. Bid only tickets are $5.00. You may also contact Marilyn to reserve tickets.
In order to guarantee that you get to sit with a special group of family or friends, you may want to consider purchasing a table of 8 for $120.
The Youth Group Steak Dinner and Auction has been set for Saturday, February 11, 2012. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. Please join us for a night of fun and fundraising. We will be having the old favorites: silent auction and 50/50 drawing as well as the new favorites: live auction, dessert dash, wine raffle, and the WILD HEARTS JACKPOT DRAWING where there is a chance to win $500.00.
Tickets for the WILD HEARTS $500 DRAWING are on sale now. Please ask a youth group member to get yours. The tickets are 1 for $10 but for an additional $10 you can get 10 more tickets and have 11 chances at winning!
Each time you purchase flowers and other gifts from A MOMENT OF GRACE and tell them you are a member at St. John's, the church receives a tithe from them. A Moment of Grace is located at 511 N Hwy 47 and the phone number is 456-9334.
PRAYERS: (If I have missed anyone please let me know.)
For HANK SCHMIDT who is going through radiation treatments for stage 2 lung cancer.
For BETTY TAMELER who is recovering from knee replacement surgery at Delmar Gardens nursing home.
For ROSETTA JONES who is recovering from a broken hip at St Jospeh's hospital rehab.
For the FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF DOT DAEHNKE, as they mourn her loss. Her memorial service is this Saturday at 11am.
For ANNA HOELSCHER who is recovering at Jonesburg Nursing Home after falling and breaking her hip.
For MRS SISSON (1st grade teacher at Daniel Boone) AND HER NEW BABY, CHLOE, as they both grow stronger with each passing day. Baby Chloe has about 2 mor emonths in the hospital.
For KEN WAGNER who is home and is doing well, although he still has a LONG way to go.
For JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, who continues to be up and down because of chemotherapy treatments.
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