I've been a Christian my whole life. I have had the Holy Spirit in me and surrounding me that whole time as well. Yet, there aren't too many people who would call me a fiery preacher or as someone who is extremely charismatic or even always outgoing. I'm usually quite quiet and reserved. A lot of times that is a hindrance to many who would like a more energetic, fiery preacher, at other times it is a benefit when I am counseling or caring for people as they need it.
Still, whether I am quiet and reserved or "on fire" for the Lord, I know that the Holy Spirit still lives in me. How do I know? BECAUSE I BELIEVE THAT JESUS DIED AND ROSE AGAIN FOR ME!
There are times I wish I was more energetic when I preached. I imagine many others feel the same way about me. But I and others need to understand that this is not my nature and it's not who I am. And that's ok!
You, yourself, may feel guilty or you may not feel like you are much of a Christian because you are not like so and so who is energetic and "on fire" for the Lord. You may even feel jealous. I know I do, especially when folks leave my church to go and hear that guy who is maybe easier to listen to and gets you more pumped up. I know I shouldn't, but I do.
But we shouldn't feel jealous for that. Those people who are like that may be jealous of us. They may say to themselves, "I wish I had such a steady and solid faith as that person does." Instead, we should thank God for people like that, because God made them in such a way for a reason. He makes us each how we are for a reason, and that reason is always good. It is so that the Gospel may heard and people might come to and grow in their faith! IT IS ALWAYS JESUS!
SO whether you are quiet and timid or loud and proud, know that in both cases you are a gift of God and the same Holy Spirit lives in both of you! Most importantly, your salvation and eternal life are not wrapped up in your personality or your abilities. It has everything to do with Jesus! Never forget that! Always live in the grace of Christ in both circumstance, and thank God that He has made everyone different for His purpose of LOVE AND FORGIVENESS!
Let us pray: Lord God, thank you for making us different people but still brothers and sisters in Christ. One day we will all see you face to face together and that is always what is most important! Amen.
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: Where were the disciples when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost? The exact location is unclear. There are numerous possible locations, but the two most likely are:
1. The upper room where they often gathered and where Jesus appeared to them.
2. The temple because they were there all the time meeting together and there were tons of other Jews and Pharisees gathered around them when they began to speak in other tongues.
Thanks Dianne and Pat for your wonderfully thorough answers. ____________________________________________________________________________________
TODAY'S QUIZ: How did Peter respond when the people who were cut to the heart asked him "Brothers, what shall we do?"___________________________________________________________________________________________CALENDAR:Thurs- First day of school for Warren County RIII; Little Lambs Open House 8-11am
Sat- Golf Outing 7am-1pm; Bible Study 4; Worship 5; baptism of Lilly Nordwald 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30; Voter's meeting 9:45; Sunday school 9:45; worship 11
Acolytes- 8:30- Sophie Tinnin 11- Jacob Winn
Altar guild- Set up- Ruth Walters; Clean Up-- Pam Linke
Greeters- 8:30- Rich and Peggy Talbert; 11- Tom and Pam Linke
Communion Assistants- Sat- Dave Winter; 8:30- Steve Robine; 11- Jim Rahn
Lay Readers- Sat- Sandra Perricone; 8:30- Steve Robine; 11am- Jim Rahn
8:30 Ushers- Don Hance, Rich Boeger, Don Weigle, Don Tate
Projectors- Sat- Perricone; 8:30- Terry McKenzie; 11- ????
Sat pianist- Tim Sherman; Sun- Melissa Pedersen
NEWS:VOTERS MEETING THIS SUNDAY AT 9:45!!!VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY AGENDASunday, August 17, 20149:45 a.m.1. Call to order: Terry Russell2. Opening devotion: Pastor Klaustermeier3. Minutes of the May 18, 2014 Regular Meeting4. Staff ReportsA. Pastor’s report:Official Acts since the May 18, 2014 meeting:*Membership changes:• Received by Affirmation of Faith:• Dane& Jodi Baldwin 5/25/2014• Received by Adult Confirmation:• Mary Stemler 6/22/2014Received by Transfer:John & Erica McGowan & Patrick & Rileyfrom Zion Lutheran, Alexander, Arkansas 5/16/2014• Baptisms:• Infants: None• Children:• Katelyn& Isabelle Morris 8/10/2014Deaths:Ben Frick Died 6/8/2014 Funeral 6/12/2014Margaret Kohrs Died 6/12/2014 Funeral 6/19/201Wilma Smith Died 8/6/2014 Funeral 8/12/2014– Current membership (reflecting above changes)
Baptized----537CommunicaB. Music Director: Barb DreyerC. C. Church Office Administrator: Marilyn Foster
D. DCE Intern: Kelsey Overbeck5. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees:A. Financial Secretary’s report: Richard Boeger (Report attached)B. Treasurer’s report: Donna Lindsey (Reports attached)Page 2 – Voters Agenda – August 17, 2914C. Board of Elders’ report: John Hachtel, ChairmanD. Board of Trustees’ report: Brett Nordwald, ChairmanE. Board of Christian Education report: Christine Winn, ChairpersonF. Board of Christian Outreach report:G. Board of Christian Stewardship report: Alan Hofledt, ChairmanH. Committee Reports:Little Lambs Committee Report: Barb Hargrove, PresidentThrivent Financial for Lutherans chapter report: Rich BoegerGood Shepherd report: Don LuebkeBuilding & Finance Committee report: Kent JacobsmeyerI. Other reports?Stephen Ministry - Joanne Hachtel6. Unfinished business:7. New business:A. Nominations for President and Vice President of the Missouri DistrictB. Volunteers to help with the Church picnic on Sunday, September 7 at Mim Dunn's houseC. Any other New Business?8. Next Regular Meeting: Sunday, November 16, 2014 - 9:45 a.m.9. Adjourn10. Closing Prayer: Pastor Klaustermeier______________________________________________________________________CHURCH PICNIC!!!!!The church picnic is going to be held at CHURCH this year on Sunday, September 7 at noon.
There will be a sign up sheet to tell us how many from your family and friends are coming and what kind of food you will be bringing (Please bring a salad/side dish or dessert to share). Hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, drinks, and eating utensils will be provided.
We will need a few guys to volunteer to help with grilling on Sunday morning. Steve McDowell has agreed to head that up!
Everyone will need to help with clean up at the end, but it would be good to have a few volunteers to be in charge of clean up.
We are currently working on getting some inflatable fun things to do as well as other fun activities. If you know of anyone who has inflatables to rent or would like to help with this endeavor in any way, please contact Kelsey immediately at 573-803-7826 or koverbeck@live.com
__________________________________________________________________________________MEN'S RETREAT COMING UP Friday, Sept. 26- Sunday Sept. 28 AT MARK TWAIN LAKE!!Go to t3mensretreat.org for all the info you will need and to sign up!It would be wonderful to get a big group of guys from St. John's to go! I never miss it!______________________________________________________________LABOR DAY FLOAT TRIP-- Float trip will be through Ozark Outdoors. Meet at the river at 10am for a 4 mile float. Please contact Teresa Scott to sign up. She can be reached by email at tscott@usmo.com, cell phone or text at 636-359-5041 or at Schraer heating and air conditioning at 636-456-5041. When signing up, [please provide your best phone contact number and email address, if you have one. More info to follow.
PRAYER REQUESTS: (If you have a prayer request please reply to this email or call me at 636-359-1061)For MIM DUNN, as she is recovering from a broken pelvis at home.
For the FAMILY OF MIKE GARRETT, a husband of a fellow bus driver of Karin and a friend to many in the community, who died of a massive heart attack yesterday.
For JONAS BORCHERT as he recovers from surgery to remove a lobe of his lung due to cancer and as he awaits word on a new course of treatment.
For the community of FERGUSON, and all of North County, as they deal with the civil unrest, rioting, and looting that continues.
For HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CHRISTIANS IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA, who are being persecuted to the point of death for their faith.
For NANCY SPINIOLAS as she recovers from a car accident and a fall.
For RICK SPINIOLAS as he continues to deal with pancreatic caner and the effects of the chemo on his body.
For ED KOHRS who is back at the nursing home.
For LYNN MESSER, a friend of Jo Fahrni, who is has been missing for a month, that she will be found safe and well very soon.