12 years ago
Jesus said) "Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion." Luke 10:31-33 Yue Yue (say You-ay) was a little two-year-old girl who lived in China. She was a modern reincarnation of the Lord's parable of the Good Samaritan -- only without the happy ending. Yue Yue was hit by a van in the city of Foshan. The driver of the van stopped, paused, and then drove off, leaving the girl in the road. Surveillance cameras show some bicyclists passing by the injured child, as did another person on a motorcycle and a woman who had her own child. All in all, a dozen people noticed the little girl on the road and passed on by. Yue Yue was eventually brought to safety by a rubbish collector. But that was only after the child had been run over a second time. She died in the hospital some time later. And the end result of the story? Some people in China are scandalized by the unconcern of the passers-by, while others are saying, "The laws make it too dangerous to help someone who has been injured." Scandalized or defensive, the little girl is dead. It is my hope that Christians would not have acted as did the folks in the surveillance tape. It is my prayer that none of us would uncaringly "pass by on the other side," if we saw such a little girl in distress. Why? Because we who had been injured by sin, who were spiritually dying because of our transgressions, have a Savior who stopped to help us. Logically, there was no reason for Him to have done so. There certainly was no reason for Him to sacrifice Himself, His life, His peace, so we who had rejected His Lordship might be made well. No, there was no reason for Him to make such a gracious sacrifice, but that is exactly what happened. And now we who have been forgiven, who have been healed and made whole are occasionally offered the opportunity to do for others as He has done for us. Spiritually, physically we need to try and copy the Savior. We need to help and not pass by. THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, when I had been knocked down by sin, when I was defenseless to help myself, Jesus stopped and did for me what I could not. For His gracious act of saving me, I am grateful. May my gratitude enable me to help others whenever and wherever I can. This I pray in my Savior's Name. Amen. |
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