DEVOTION: Psalm 122 (ESV)
"Let Us Go to the House of the Lord."
122 I was glad when they said to me,
"Let us go to the house of the Lord!"
2 Our feet have been standing
within your gates, O Jerusalem!
3 Jerusalem—built as a city
that is bound firmly together,
4 to which the tribes go up,
the tribes of the Lord,
as was decreed for[a] Israel,
to give thanks to the name of the Lord.
5 There thrones for judgment were set,
the thrones of the house of David.
6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
"May they be secure who love you!
7 Peace be within your walls
and security within your towers!"
8 For my brothers and companions' sake
I will say, "Peace be within you!"
9 For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
I will seek your good.
What is the house of the Lord? Where is it that David is speaking about today? It is church! That's right! It's church.
It's where God's glory dwells.
It's where he gives us strength.
It is where there is peace.
It is where there is security.
It is where the love of Christ is sure to be found
It is where there is fellowship with sinners who have been made saints through Jesus' blood and righteousness.
It is where you can go to find rest for your souls.
Why wouldn't you want to be there? Why wouldn't you be glad when people say to you "Let's go to church!"
You will have quite a few extra opportunities to go to the house of the Lord in the next month and a half. I encourage you to find your reason to be in worship with the saints and Jesus and get there!
Prayer: Lord, we thank you for giving us your house to go to. Give us the energy and will to get there as much as I can. Amen.
Mon- Circuit Pastor's meeting 9-noon; Little Lambs sharing meal 11; Confirmation 5:15; Yoga 7
Tues- Quilting 9-2; LL sharing meal 11
Wed- Oak Pointe worship 10:30; worship 7pm
Thurs- Thanksgiving Day
Fri- Church office closed
Sat- Worship 5pm
Sun- Worship 8:30; Sunday school 9:45; Chapel 11; Christmas decorating noon
Acolyte- Wed- Nova Luebke 8:30- Kalene Masters 11- Lydia Miller
Ushers- Wed- Dave Winter, Scott Schulze, Larry Schulze, Gary Scott; Sun- Allan Dreyer. Lew Feldkamp, Kent Jacobsmeyer, Paul Klover
Altar- Wed- Set up- Lucille Luebke, Clean up Lois Boeger; Sat and Sun Set up- Terry McKenzie Clean Up: Cheryl Bettlach
Elders- Wed- Randy Sweet; Sat- Randy Fischer 8:30- Jason Cluver; 11- Charlie Figura
Greeters- 8:30- Don and Donna Sherman; 11- Charlie and Lynn Figura
Lay Readers- Sat- Sandra Perricone 8:30- Erv Yoder; 11- Stephanie Owenby
Piano- Barb Dreyer
Organist- Rachel Fisher
Projectionists: Sat- Fischer; Sun- Schaumberg
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: Give me all the information you can find on Lazarus.
1- Brother of Mary and Martha and friend of Jesus
2. Poor man who sat and begged at the rich man's gate. A parable is written about him.