Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
By Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
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November 5, 2013
That's a word we use when something someone has said is obvious. It is a fitting word for this devotion, which is speaking about seeing things which should be -- ought to be -- easily observed.
For example, did you know on Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil there are press-in tabs on the end of the box that are designed to stop the roll from coming out? Even though it is clearly marked, I didn't know that. Duh.
And did you know every car has a symbol on the dashboard that tells you what side of the car has the gas cap where you can fill up your vehicle? On new cars there is an arrow next to the gas tank icon, and on older cars the gas tank icon's nozzle points you in the right direction. Duh.
Did you ever go to a fast-food place and fill up a bunch of paper cups with ketchup? You can cut down on the number of cups you use by pulling on, and expanding, the opening of the cup. Duh.
And did you know the cartons that contain take-home Chinese food are designed to be opened and then serve as a makeshift plate? Duh.
Are you among the folks who have figured out the lids for soft drinks at the fast-food joint are ribbed to serve as a coaster for the cup? Duh.
In this past week I have been amazed at the number of things which I'd seen, but never really saw.
I'm not alone in this. You see, there are hundreds of millions of people who are aware of the Bible and the story of salvation it contains. They are aware; they see the words, but they don't see the Savior.
Centuries ago, the Baptizer asked if Jesus was the one Savior for which the world had been waiting. Jesus said, "Take a look -- a real good look -- at Me and what I'm doing. The blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life." In short, anyone who takes a serious look at the Savior will come away believing He has done that which only God's Son could do.
Among the many things such an observation will reveal is the greatest miracle this world has ever seen. Having carried our sins to the cross and, dying, Jesus conquered death and grave. I have personally conducted hundreds of funerals, but all those folks have stayed buried. But God's Son defeated death and, because He has done so, I know I and all believers will also rise from the grave on Judgment Day.
If you haven't already done so, take a second look and see the Son of God, your Savior. See the obvious: Jesus Christ did only that which the Redeemer could do.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, when Judgment Day comes, may no one be left who says, "Duh! I should have seen Jesus for who He really is: my Savior and Lord. In Jesus' Name I ask it. Amen.
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
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MONDAY'S QUIZ: Find a Bible verse that talks about Jesus' brothers. The biggest one is in John 7:2-9; but there are also Matthew 12:46, Mark 3:31 and Luke 8:19 which speak of his mother and brothers. But Jesus also says in these passages as he points to the crowd that all of them, including us, are is mother, and brothers, and sisters. (Great job Dianne and Pat!!)