Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
By Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
Use these devotions in your newsletter and bulletin! Used by permission; all rights reserved by the Int'l LLL (LHM).
"No Partiality"
October 16, 2013
Football Coach Matt Labrum of Union High School in Roosevelt, Utah, is like Brussels sprouts. By that I mean either you like him a lot, or you can't stand him.
You see, Coach Labrum recently made the news because he suspended all 80 members of his high school football team. Understand, he did so not because of their poor playing on the field. No, he took his controversial action because of their attitude when they were off the field.
And what could a team do that would prompt such harsh discipline?
Well, let's see, some were skipping class; some were disrespectful toward their teachers; some were cutting class; some were cyber-bullying other students. It was a long list and one that prompted the coach to say, "We felt like everything was going in a direction that we didn't want our young men going. We felt like we needed to make a stand."
And what a stand it has been. The boys were told if they wanted a spot on the team they had to earn it. They were told rather than practicing for the homecoming game they were going to do community service.
And the reaction? Like I say, either you love the coach, or you don't.
If I read the Bible correctly, there have been a number of times in history when the Lord looked at humanity and said, "I think they're going in a direction I don't like." Most certainly, God felt that way when Adam and Eve sinned -- that time He kicked them out of the Garden. The Lord was upset with people in the days of Noah. Their disobedience prompted the destruction brought about by the flood. Read through the narrative of the Children of Israel and you will be overwhelmed by the number of times God was displeased with and, for a while, suspended their relationship.
Now I know what Coach Labrum wants from his boys. He has told them about his expectations in a letter he shared when they were suspended.
Would it surprise you that the Lord has done the same with us? Look once again at the text which is the basis for today's devotion. The Holy Spirit inspired the prophet Jeremiah to write: "I will give them a heart to know that I am the Lord, and they shall be My people and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart."
Jesus said the same thing to the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well. That day He told her, "But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him" (John 4:23).
When a person considers the sacrifices the Savior made to win our forgiveness and salvation, when you think upon God's great grace that offers an eternity in paradise, it isn't much to ask. No, it's not much at all.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, grant we may be given a faith which gladly and willingly serves the Savior and shows our thanks in the way we live our lives. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
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THURSDAY'S QUESTION: Who was Hanani? Nehemiah's brother (SOunds like a little nepotism.... hehe) (Good job Sandy and Dianne!)
WEDNESDAY'S QUIZ: What are the books that are sometimes included in between the Old and New Testaments called?
Wed- Ladies Aid 1pm; Choir 7pm; NEWSLETTER DEADLINE (If you have something to get into the newsletter email it or bring it by the office TODAY!!!)
Thurs- Fitness Group 5:30
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school 9:45
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school 9:45
Honor God with your body!!!
Come out to the woods for a wonderful, cool crisp, Fall evening of fun!!
Where? Scott and Lani Heitgerd's house 32991 N. Hwy 47 Warrenton
When? Saturday, October 19, 6pm
What will be provided? Hayride, bonfire, hotdogs, chili, marshmallows, etc.
What to bring? lawn chairs, your own beverages, flashlights, and roasting sticks
Who can come? EVERYONE!!! All church members, preschool families, and friends!!
Where? Scott and Lani Heitgerd's house 32991 N. Hwy 47 Warrenton
When? Saturday, October 19, 6pm
What will be provided? Hayride, bonfire, hotdogs, chili, marshmallows, etc.
What to bring? lawn chairs, your own beverages, flashlights, and roasting sticks
Who can come? EVERYONE!!! All church members, preschool families, and friends!!
List of projects includes--
At Church---
Cleaning and polishing of pews and altar/communion railing
Cleaning of storage rooms
Minor Repairs around church-- electrical,
Cards to shut ins and soldiers
In Community---
Yard work and Minor repairs at people's homes
Visiting people at nursing homes
They meet every Wednesday from 3-4:15!! If you can help even just once a month please call Mary Aubuchon at 314-581-5824. It is a very rewarding thing to do!!
Let's get ready for the Christmas Program! I know we haven't even had Halloween and Thanksgiving yet!!! We have to start on the program now because we only have NINE more Sundays to practice before the December 15th Program. We will be holding the program at the 11am church service. Now if you are a Sunday school age student and wish to be part of the program, please come to Sunday school as much as possible for the next nine weeks.
Besides the traditional songs we will sing as a group we will also be doing the ushering, offering, and readings for the service. Any age students may participate in the background support rolls. We are also looking for students to play their instruments and/or sing a special piece. If you are interested please contact Karin Klaustermeier or Donna Sherman.
Besides the traditional songs we will sing as a group we will also be doing the ushering, offering, and readings for the service. Any age students may participate in the background support rolls. We are also looking for students to play their instruments and/or sing a special piece. If you are interested please contact Karin Klaustermeier or Donna Sherman.
Hey parents of Sunday School Students!
We have a grand idea to take the kids to the Creation Museum! This would be a trip we would raise the money for the expense. We have a starting fundraiser idea and hope to get matching funds from Thrivent.
Are you interested in having your kids take a learning journey that may be the cornerstone of their faith for the years ahead? Parents are welcome to come along. We are in the early idea stages, but we would take the six hour trip by motor coach to the museum and plan to spend the night near by in order to take advantage of the special tickets you can use two days in a row.
We have a grand idea to take the kids to the Creation Museum! This would be a trip we would raise the money for the expense. We have a starting fundraiser idea and hope to get matching funds from Thrivent.
Are you interested in having your kids take a learning journey that may be the cornerstone of their faith for the years ahead? Parents are welcome to come along. We are in the early idea stages, but we would take the six hour trip by motor coach to the museum and plan to spend the night near by in order to take advantage of the special tickets you can use two days in a row.
1. For WILMA WEIGLE as she awaits surgery on an aneurysm. (She had a mapping procedure done yesterday to prepare for the surgery sometime next week.)
1. For WILMA WEIGLE as she awaits surgery on an aneurysm. (She had a mapping procedure done yesterday to prepare for the surgery sometime next week.)
2. For, PATTY, a friend of Denise Schlesselmann, who has recently been diagnosed with breast caner.
3. For JENNIFER, daughter of John and Mary Jo Fahrni, who is recovering from a double mastectomy due to breast cancer.
3. For JENNIFER, daughter of John and Mary Jo Fahrni, who is recovering from a double mastectomy due to breast cancer.
4. For STEPHEN DELANEY a friend of the Fahrnis, who is dealing with lung cancer.
5. For MICHELLE WOOLF as she is trying new and different medicines to get better from a prolonged illness due to thyroid problems and struggle with chronic fatigue.
6. For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is recovering from bladder surgery due to cancer.