Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
By Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
Use these devotions in your newsletter and bulletin! Used by permission; all rights reserved by the Int'l LLL (LHM).
"God First"
September 25, 2013
* The other day I found myself driving behind a car that was doing 27 miles an hour on a street where the posted speed was 55 mph.
* Last week I had to jump out of the way of a vehicle that was backing up in a grocery store parking lot.
* Last month I laid on the horn to get the attention of a driver who seemed to be headed directly toward my vehicle.
* Thankfully, none of those incidents caused any damage. That was not the case in Waldorf, Maryland, when a woman crashed her vehicle into a tree and ended up in a lake. She was okay, but her Hyundai wasn't designed to sit upside down in five feet of water.
These four, seemingly unrelated incidents, have one thing in common. Have you guessed what that unifying factor might be? You get an A for the day if you said, "Those cars were all being driven by someone who was also texting on their cell phones."
Oh, there is one other thing those drivers have in common: they all go to prove there is truth in the words of the Savior who told us no man can serve two masters.
Now if I stopped all of my drivers and asked them -- do you think you can give proper attention to driving and texting? -- I am sure they would all give me a sincere and affirmative answer. They would say something like, "Of course, I can. I wouldn't text and drive if I thought any differently."
Well, they might think they can do two things equally well, but reality says they are mistaken.
That is also true for us. Either we love God or we love the world. Either the Lord is first in our lives or He is not. And in case anyone is wondering, the Lord is not content to run a distant second or third in the hearts of His people.
We can understand why that would be.
After all, He has decided to reach down and save His wayward children from themselves. He has, in His grace, done that which was necessary to rescue us from the clutches of sin, the devil, and death. In the Person of His Son, through Jesus' perfect life and total sacrifice, He has given hope, forgiveness and eternal life to all who are brought to faith in the risen Redeemer.
Now He asks that those who have been rescued show their appreciation by remembering what He has done and keeping Him first in all they do.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, grant us the wisdom and self-knowledge to realize we are not the world's only exception to the rule: no man can serve two masters. Help us acknowledge all You have done for us and live our lives thankfully. In the Savior's Name I ask it. Amen.
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
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MONDAY'S QUIZ: How many people returned to Jerusalem after their 70 years in Babylon? 42,360 besides their 7,337 men and maidservants 200 men and women singers
WEDNESDAY'S QUIZ: Who was Rehum?
Wed- Choir 7pm
Thurs- Fitness Club 5:30
Fri- Newsletter assembly 9am; Leave for men's retreat 5:30pm
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school 9:45
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school 9:45
You can still go. (Jim Rahn, Terry Russell, and Pastor are going) The cost for registration, food, and lodging has gone up to $60, which is still a very reasonable price. Just go to to check it out.
The study is based on the book "The Case for Christ" by famous Christian author, Lee Strobel. Please make sure your jr/sr hi kids are there and that they invite their friends!!!!
If you want to learn about what they actually believe and teach, it is a good idea that you are there!!!
Come and listen to A LOT of wonderful music and join in fellowship and worship with your fellow Christians from throughout the Warrenton community.
If you are an adult (High school age and older) and you love to sing, we have the perfect opportunity for you to serve the Lord and use your talents!! Call Barb Dreyer at 359-1906 to tell her you want to sing and to get more info!
If you are an adult (High school age and older) and you love to sing, we have the perfect opportunity for you to serve the Lord and use your talents!! Call Barb Dreyer at 359-1906 to tell her you want to sing and to get more info!
For MATT WALLER, husband of Teresa Waller (Ketterer), who is on a ventilator because of a severe infection in his lungs.
THANKSGIVING FOR JONAS BORCHERT who is cancer free in his brain. There is still some cancer in his lungs, but the prognosis is very good.
For the FAMILY OF TERRY MCKENZIE'S AUNT who went to heaven last Friday
For DESERAE BEDSWORTH a 17 year old girl from Warrenton who has been missing since Thursday.
For DAVE CALLIES as he recovers from knee replacement surgery at DePaul Rehab Center. .
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is recovering from bladder surgery due to cancer.
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is recovering from bladder surgery due to cancer.
I have been compiling a list of servicemen who are members of St John's so that we can pray for them. Below is a list of them and where they are currently stationed. Please note that their stationing changes quickly, so this may not even be up to date, but it is the last known whereabouts that I have of these guys.
Danny Dreyer- Army- 2nd Lieutenant- Ranger, GERMANY
Sam Hargrove- Army- 2 Lieutenant- Ft Rucker, Alabama, will be going through helicopter flight school and other training
David Mincemeyer- Army- Army Specialist- Ft. Carson, CO
Jon Rahn- Navy- Hawaii, not sure of his rank at this time
David Tate- Air Force- 2nd Lieutenant- Jacksonville, Florida
Alex Walters- Navy- E4- Guam
Ryan Woolf- Air Force- Airman 1st Class- Buckley Air Force Base, near Denver, CO
If there are more out there that I just don't know about, please let me know, and I will include him/her on the list.
Also, if you would like your family member or friend included in this list, please reply to this email with all the information!
I have been compiling a list of servicemen who are members of St John's so that we can pray for them. Below is a list of them and where they are currently stationed. Please note that their stationing changes quickly, so this may not even be up to date, but it is the last known whereabouts that I have of these guys.
Danny Dreyer- Army- 2nd Lieutenant- Ranger, GERMANY
Sam Hargrove- Army- 2 Lieutenant- Ft Rucker, Alabama, will be going through helicopter flight school and other training
David Mincemeyer- Army- Army Specialist- Ft. Carson, CO
Jon Rahn- Navy- Hawaii, not sure of his rank at this time
David Tate- Air Force- 2nd Lieutenant- Jacksonville, Florida
Alex Walters- Navy- E4- Guam
Ryan Woolf- Air Force- Airman 1st Class- Buckley Air Force Base, near Denver, CO
If there are more out there that I just don't know about, please let me know, and I will include him/her on the list.
Also, if you would like your family member or friend included in this list, please reply to this email with all the information!
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