DEVOTION: Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
By Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
Use these devotions in your newsletter and bulletin! Used by permission; all rights reserved by the Int'l LLL (LHM).

"Our Clean Slate"
September 17, 2013
(God said) "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool." Isaiah 1:18b
Oklahoma City's eight-year-old Malachi Peterson is in trouble for many different reasons.
* He is in trouble with his school principal because he picked a fight at school.
* He is in trouble with the girls because the fight he picked was about who got to get the girl.
* He is in trouble with his mother because she thinks he is becoming a bully.
That's an awful lot of trouble for a young man. Thankfully, Peterson is not the subject of this devotion. No, Peterson is off the hook. Instead, we are talking about Peterson's mom. Wishing to nip her son's bullying in the bud, Janie Peterson made her son stand out on a street corner holding a sign which said, "I PICKED A FIGHT BECAUSE I'M A BULLY."
According to Janie Peterson, public reaction to the punishment she gave her boy has been very positive. My own small, private and incredibly unscientific poll says reactions are not universally affirming.
You, my friends, can make your own assessment.
At any rate, the story of Malachi Peterson got me to thinking. What would happen if God punished me the way Janie punished Malachi? I wonder how I would feel if the Lord put me, and you, and everybody in a public place and had us wear a sign that listed our sins.
I'm pretty sure none of us would like it. No, we wouldn't like it a bit. I know nobody would like it because all of us go to great lengths to hide our sins. Robbers wear masks, thieves work under cover of darkness, and white collar criminals hide their misdeeds in a set of doctored books. Most of us just do our best to keep those sins locked away where nobody else can see them.
Like Adam and Eve, we do our best to hide our transgressions from everybody.
Of course, we can't hide those wrongdoings from the Lord. His all-knowingness sees our sin and His justice condemns that sin. Even if we manage to hide our sins from everybody else in the universe, God knows our long list of transgressions.
That's the bad news.
The good news is that, along with seeing and hating our transgression, God continues to love us. So that we helpless souls might be rescued from hell, the Lord sent His Son to Earth to take our place. Throughout His time among us, Jesus kept the Law, refused to fall into temptation, and carried our sins to His cross. Three days later in His glorious resurrection, He showed to anyone who would see that His work had been completed and all who believed on Him were forgiven and saved.
Because of Jesus we have no more sins to write on our card. Because of the Savior we no longer are expelled from heaven. Because of Jesus we are forgiven and saved.
THE PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I give thanks You have erased the card that carried the list of my errors. Because of Your sacrifice I, and the card, are clean. In Your Name I give thanks. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,

Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries

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By Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
Use these devotions in your newsletter and bulletin! Used by permission; all rights reserved by the Int'l LLL (LHM).
"Our Clean Slate"
September 17, 2013
Oklahoma City's eight-year-old Malachi Peterson is in trouble for many different reasons.
* He is in trouble with his school principal because he picked a fight at school.
* He is in trouble with the girls because the fight he picked was about who got to get the girl.
* He is in trouble with his mother because she thinks he is becoming a bully.
That's an awful lot of trouble for a young man. Thankfully, Peterson is not the subject of this devotion. No, Peterson is off the hook. Instead, we are talking about Peterson's mom. Wishing to nip her son's bullying in the bud, Janie Peterson made her son stand out on a street corner holding a sign which said, "I PICKED A FIGHT BECAUSE I'M A BULLY."
According to Janie Peterson, public reaction to the punishment she gave her boy has been very positive. My own small, private and incredibly unscientific poll says reactions are not universally affirming.
You, my friends, can make your own assessment.
At any rate, the story of Malachi Peterson got me to thinking. What would happen if God punished me the way Janie punished Malachi? I wonder how I would feel if the Lord put me, and you, and everybody in a public place and had us wear a sign that listed our sins.
I'm pretty sure none of us would like it. No, we wouldn't like it a bit. I know nobody would like it because all of us go to great lengths to hide our sins. Robbers wear masks, thieves work under cover of darkness, and white collar criminals hide their misdeeds in a set of doctored books. Most of us just do our best to keep those sins locked away where nobody else can see them.
Like Adam and Eve, we do our best to hide our transgressions from everybody.
Of course, we can't hide those wrongdoings from the Lord. His all-knowingness sees our sin and His justice condemns that sin. Even if we manage to hide our sins from everybody else in the universe, God knows our long list of transgressions.
That's the bad news.
The good news is that, along with seeing and hating our transgression, God continues to love us. So that we helpless souls might be rescued from hell, the Lord sent His Son to Earth to take our place. Throughout His time among us, Jesus kept the Law, refused to fall into temptation, and carried our sins to His cross. Three days later in His glorious resurrection, He showed to anyone who would see that His work had been completed and all who believed on Him were forgiven and saved.
Because of Jesus we have no more sins to write on our card. Because of the Savior we no longer are expelled from heaven. Because of Jesus we are forgiven and saved.
THE PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I give thanks You have erased the card that carried the list of my errors. Because of Your sacrifice I, and the card, are clean. In Your Name I give thanks. Amen.
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
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MONDAY'S QUIZ: Who was the younger person who started speaking after the other three friends of Job gave up? Elihu
(Note: As soon as someone besides Pam and Dianne answer the question of the day, I will post their names. Until then, know that both Dianne and Pam answer this question every day!)
TUESDAY'S QUIZ: How did God answer Job out of the storm?
Tues- Quilters 9-2; Bible Study 11:30-12:15; Council meeting 7pm
Wed- Pastor's circuit meeting 9-3; Ladies Aid 1pm; Choir 7pm
Thurs- nothing
Fri- Newsletter article deadline; Bible Study at Hendershots 7pm
Sat- worship 5pm; Young Adult Potluck 6pm
Sun- worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school 9:45
Sat- worship 5pm; Young Adult Potluck 6pm
Sun- worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school 9:45
Pastor will be grilling hamburgers and hotdogs. Bring a dish that goes well with that, plus your own favorite beverage.
Let me know you if you are coming!!!
Anyone who didn't fill out a Time and Talent Survey during church directory pictures time, or didn't receive one, please call the church office and request a survey form and it will be placed in your church mailbox. Please fill them out an return them to the church office by the end of September.
may be placed in the BLUE ENVELOPES in your packet. All monies in the blue Investing in Eternity envelopes will automatically be placed in our DCE fund unless you specifically indicate that it is for the Building Fund only.
Registration is $45
If you want to golf it is $80.
If you want to go a day early on Thursday it is $60
Go to to sign up today!!!
NAOMI JOHNSON IS LEADING THE Jr/Sr HI SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS. There were 24 kids there yesterday. Was your kid one of them? Make plans to be in the youth room to learn all about how we can trust that Jesus is really who He said he was.
NAOMI JOHNSON IS LEADING THE Jr/Sr HI SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS. There were 24 kids there yesterday. Was your kid one of them? Make plans to be in the youth room to learn all about how we can trust that Jesus is really who He said he was.
The study is based on the book "The Case for Christ" by famous Christian author, Lee Strobel. Please make sure your jr/sr hi kids are there and that they invite their friends!!!!
If you want to learn about what they actually believe and teach, it is a good idea that you are there!!!
If you are an adult (High school age and older) and you love to sing. We have the perfect opportunity for you to serve the Lord and use your talents!! Call Barb Dreyer at 359-1906 to tell her you want to sing and to get more info!
If you are an adult (High school age and older) and you love to sing. We have the perfect opportunity for you to serve the Lord and use your talents!! Call Barb Dreyer at 359-1906 to tell her you want to sing and to get more info!
For TERRY MCKENZIE'S AUNT who has been put on hospice care.
For DAVE CALLIES as he is having knee replacement surgery on TUESDAY.
For NANCY SPINIOLAS who is having trouble with her thyroid and is also having severe hip and back pain. .
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is recovering from bladder surgery due to cancer.
For NANCY SPINIOLAS who is having trouble with her thyroid and is also having severe hip and back pain. .
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is recovering from bladder surgery due to cancer.
I have been compiling a list of servicemen who are members of St John's so that we can pray for them. Below is a list of them and where they are currently stationed. Please note that their stationing changes quickly, so this may not even be up to date, but it is the last known whereabouts that I have of these guys.
Danny Dreyer- Army- 2nd Lieutenant- Ranger, GERMANY
Sam Hargrove- Army- 2 Lieutenant- Ft Rucker, Alabama, will be going through helicopter flight school and other training
David Mincemeyer- Army- Army Specialist- Ft. Carson, CO
Jon Rahn- Navy- Hawaii, not sure of his rank at this time
David Tate- Air Force- 2nd Lieutenant- Jacksonville, Florida
Alex Walters- Navy- E4- Guam
Ryan Woolf- Air Force- Airman 1st Class- Buckley Air Force Base, near Denver, CO
If there are more out there that I just don't know about, please let me know, and I will include him/her on the list.
Also, if you would like your family member or friend included in this list, please reply to this email with all the information!
Pray for these guys. Some of these guys are in harm's way right now, others are training to put themselves in harm's way. All of them have volunteered to serve and protect their country (which is you).
I have been compiling a list of servicemen who are members of St John's so that we can pray for them. Below is a list of them and where they are currently stationed. Please note that their stationing changes quickly, so this may not even be up to date, but it is the last known whereabouts that I have of these guys.
Danny Dreyer- Army- 2nd Lieutenant- Ranger, GERMANY
Sam Hargrove- Army- 2 Lieutenant- Ft Rucker, Alabama, will be going through helicopter flight school and other training
David Mincemeyer- Army- Army Specialist- Ft. Carson, CO
Jon Rahn- Navy- Hawaii, not sure of his rank at this time
David Tate- Air Force- 2nd Lieutenant- Jacksonville, Florida
Alex Walters- Navy- E4- Guam
Ryan Woolf- Air Force- Airman 1st Class- Buckley Air Force Base, near Denver, CO
If there are more out there that I just don't know about, please let me know, and I will include him/her on the list.
Also, if you would like your family member or friend included in this list, please reply to this email with all the information!
Pray for these guys. Some of these guys are in harm's way right now, others are training to put themselves in harm's way. All of them have volunteered to serve and protect their country (which is you).
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