I'm never for doing anything halfway. So if you want your kids to leave the church when they leave your home, I've got a list for you. Here are four ways that you can contribute to your child's spiritual demise:
Make other things a priority over church assemblies and functions. Be sure that you are giving your child the impression that there are some things that are more important than assembling with the church if they are "big" enough. Be sure the church comes second to some things. These things include (but are not limited to) sporting events, vacations, family get-togethers, and even some forms of working. Only doing this occasionally is sufficient to get the point across to your child. Better yet, cut out Bible class entirely and only come for Sunday morning worship.
Don't talk about God, Jesus, or the church when you are at home or in the car. Keep your lips sealed when it comes to spiritual matters. Don't ask, and don't tell.
When you do talk, be sure to complain and nitpick as much as possible. Complain about the preacher, his sermons, the elders, the deacons, the singing, the song selection, the Bible class, the Bible class teacher, the Bible class materials, young kids, older people, and any other Christian who is different from yourself. Never give your child the impression that you are appreciative of the church, or that you respect those who serve it. Never be satisfied. Be sure to plant the seed of dissatisfaction in your child's mind.
Indulge your child's immaturity. Despite the fact that they have yet to develop a real concept of the value of a dollar, give them full control when it comes to their most valuable asset: their soul. Even though they might want to eat pizza and french fries for every meal, let them make every soul-affecting decision for themselves. If they don't want to do "it," don't make them do "it." This applies to all aspects of participation, including Bible class, worship, and even (for the boys) leading worship. Make attendance optional. For that matter, make everything optional, with no consequences.
Of course no Christian parent really wants to drive their child away from God and the church. But sometimes we do things that might inadvertently do just that.
I'm not saying that if you ever do one of the previous four things I mentioned that your kids are destined for Hell's fire. But what I am saying is that if you can catch yourself before you keep up some of those pitfalls then you will have a far better time helping your children to transition from being preteens, to being spiritually minded teenagers, and then to being faithful Christian adults. Consider the statement made in Psalm 127:4 (NKJV): "Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth." Just as arrows need to be aimed well in order to have a chance of hitting their target, our children need to be "aimed" well in order for them to have a chance of "hitting the target" of righteous and faithful living, and ultimately Heaven. Even though the possibility exists that you won't hit the "target" with your "arrows," you definitely won't get anywhere near the target if you aren't at least taking careful aim at it. You have to at least try! Here are a few things to consider when it comes to making that aim:
Matthew 6:33 - Be sure that the kingdom (the church) is really the first priority in your family life. Don't let other things become diversions that take you and your kids away from the church. Even missing or failing to participate a few times can set a precedent in your child's mind that's hard to change. You get bonus points if you take or encourage your children to go to Gospel meetings, singings, Summer Youth Series, Bible camp, and other such things.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 - Teach your children at every opportunity. A nature walk can become a discussion about Genesis. A ride home from baseball practice can become a lesson about always doing your best (cf. Ecc. 9:10). Mealtime can become Bible time. Take those opportunities to teach, as they are all around you.
Philippians 2:14 - Don't complain. Just don't do it. There's no good reason for it. Complaining doesn't change anything, anyway. Only actually doing something changes things. Complainers often wait for others to do the changing, and inadvertently teach the principle of the "squeaky wheel" to their children. Don't be that person. Be a doer.
Proverbs 22:6 - The word "train" in this verse means more than just talking to your kids about God. It literally means "to narrow," and also is translated as "dedicate" in other places besides this passage. Think about dedicating your child's path to the Lord, as well as "reining in" their immaturity. That's what it really means to train - to narrow the focus of your child's life to not just what they should do, but what they ought to do. There is a difference.
This is by no means an exhaustive list, nor does it cover every facet of raising your children to stay faithful. But I pray that you will take these words, and do some studying and praying on your own.
"Step up like a warrior, and aim those arrows to Heaven."
You see, the reality is that there is one person who has more to do with a child's direction in life than any preacher, elder, youth minister, teacher, or coach: It's you, their parent. Step up like a warrior, and aim those arrows to Heaven.
- Daniel
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ TUESDAY'S QUIZ: Who was Obadiah? (Hint: He is mentioned in 1 Kings) A devout believer in the Lord who was in charge of Ahab's palace. (Good job Pam, Dianne, and my Mom!)
Summer Sunday School will be 9:45am -10:45am with Mrs. K.
It will be much like last year with a fun mini VBS type theme.
We will be doing the Fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Parents do you see a quality you would like your child(ren) to have more of. Come join us for some fun lessons, games, and snacks.
We will meet in the preschool room the whole time.
Also I will take any big kid helpers who want to show up too!!!
Come and be a part of a wonderful worship with Corey Tobias on drums and Bill Rowe on guitar and singing! I always look forward to every worship, but this one is special! If you haven't been top it, you are missing out! Cone and check it out at 11am!!
Have you ever wondered what Jehovah's Witnesses truly believe and why we are so against them? Do you want to be able to actually invite them in and witness to them? Then come to our Bible class starting this Sunday at 9:45 to learn everything there is to know!
Rich Boeger, Steve Robine, Kent Jacobsmeyer, and Dave Callies will be our cooks!
Come and enjoy a hearty breakfast, fellowship, and Bible Study as we grow together as men in the faith! We would like to get a good head count of who will be there, so please RSVP by replying to this email! Thanks!
Our Little Lambs is offering four week long summer camps this summer for 3-5 year olds. You may call the church office this week for more info or to register. The first week of camp is June 3-7!! Call 456-2888 for more info!!
An opportunity for adults and teens to have a guided tour of the Prologue Room with Ned Koprowski. This tour is on Friday, June 28th. We will leave the church parking lot at noon and carpool. Reservations are required for the tour. Plans are to have dinner somewhere after the tour. Please sign the sheet in the narthex by Sunday, June 16 so that we can make the required reservation.
Habitat for Humanity, St. Charles, along with corporate sponsor Thrivent Builds, has scheduled the volunteers from St. John's Lutheran Church and the Warrenton community for a work day on Saturday, June 15.
Approximately 6 people from Warrenton will be needed to help install doors, windows, and siding. Lunch and beverages will be provided. In addition to our volunteers, we will be paired up with Immanuel Lutheran Church, Wentzville, to get a full crew.
Please contact Ron Harper, the Habitat volunteer coordinator, if you are able to participate on Saturday, June 15 from 8:00am-3:30pm. Ron Harper's contacts: (H) 636-300-1633
(C) 314-420-6512
Directions to site: I-70 to US 79 South ( 79 turns into Birdie Hills south of Mexico Rd.)
Go past the Church on the Rock
Turn Right on Eisenhower
Left on Nixon
Left on Clinton and look for the construction area.
If using GPS, use the house across the street at 113 Clinton.
The LCMS asks for prayers and financial gifts to help those affected by the disaster. The needs are going to be huge. TO support the relief efforts, you may send your contributions directly to the LCMS or make it easier for you, make checks payable to St. John's and mark it "Oklahoma Tornado" and it will be forwarded.
For KEN AND MARILYN FOSTER as they leave for vacation today to go up to Quebec, Canada that god would keep them safe.
For DAVE CALLIES who is recovering at home from a brief hospitalization due to severe back pain.
For WILMA SMITH, who is hospitalized with pancreatitis and is recovering after surgery.
For ROSETTA JONES who is back in the nursing home because of severe weakness.
Prayer of thanksgiving for RUTH YOCUM who is recovering well after suffering two broken legs earlier this year and spending much time in rehab for that.
For LIL WINTER'S GRANDDAUGHTER'S FRIEND, who hasG J D which is Protein in her brain drying up. Its like Alzheimer's but it's much faster. She is 34 yrs. old with 3 children, the oldest is 8 yrs. old. They say she will die within 6 mos.
For those in Oklahoma who continue to recover after a devastating tornado and those who are laying to rest those who died as a result of it.
For PAT KING'S COUSIN whose surgery was postponed due to heart palpitations and irregular heartbeat.
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH, who will be having surgery June 14 to remove his bladder due to cancer
For RICK SPINIOLAS who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and will be beginning chemotherapy on Monday.
For NANCY SPINIOLAS, his wife, who is dealing with severe back pain due to many years of using an artificial leg.
For RALPH SPOEDE who is dealing with cancer in both his kidney and in his brain.
For DOMINIC GENTILE, a friend to many at church and in the community, who is suffering with brain cancer and is recovering from surgery.
For JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, and Pat King's cousin on your prayers today as well. .
I have been compiling a list of servicemen who are members of St John's so that we can pray for them. Below is a list of them and where they are currently stationed. Please note that their stationing changes quickly, so this may not even be up to date, but it is the last known whereabouts that I have of these guys.
Danny Dreyer- Army- 2nd Lieutenant- Ranger, Ft. Benning, Georgia.
Sam Hargrove- Army- 2 Lieutenant- Ft Rucker, Alabama, will be going through helicopter flight school and other training
David Mincemeyer- Army- Army Specialist- Ft. Carson, CO
Jon Rahn- Navy- Hawaii, not sure of his rank at this time
David Tate- Air Force- 2nd Lieutenant- Jacksonville, Florida
Alex Walters- Navy- E4- Guam
Ryan Woolf- Air Force- Airman 1st Class- Buckley Air Force Base, near Denver, CO
If there are more out there that I just don't know about, please let me know, and I will include him/her on the list.
Also, if you would like your family member or friend included in this list, please reply to this email with all the information!
Pray for these guys. Some of these guys are in harm's way right now, others are training to put themselves in harm's way. All of them have volunteered to serve and protect their country (which is you).
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Mission Statement
The mission of St. John's Lutheran Church is to preach the Word of God in its purity and to teach this Word to all people. We do so through the means God has given us, the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.
What We Believe
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod accepts the Scriptures as the inspired and inerrant Word of God, and subscribes unconditionally to all the symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as a true and unadulterated statement and exposition of the Word of God.
We accept the Confessions because they are drawn from the Word of God and on that account regard their doctrinal content as a true and binding exposition of Holy Scripture and as authoritative for all pastors, congregations and other rostered church workers of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
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