Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Galatians 1:3-5
At the age of six, Joey Welch can probably understand the concept of good news and bad news.
For Welch, the bad news began when he went out canoeing with his father in south Florida. Before they launched he wandered down to the water's edge. That was when the alligator grabbed his arm. It was also when his screams told his father something had gone very, very wrong.
By the time Welch's father got to the boy, the alligator had already pulled him into water which was waist deep.
That's the bad news.
The good news begins when the father grabbed hold of his son with one hand and began hitting the alligator's head with the other. Dad was assisted in his rescue attempt by the arrival of a stranger, who began kicking the alligator in the stomach. Rather than suffering such embarrassing abuse, the gator decided it was better to let the boy go and beat a dignified retreat.
The good news is that Joey Welch is alive and well, suffering only the most minor of injuries.
In some ways, I think, Welch's story is ours. For example, we, like him, were helpless. Caught in the jaws of sin, the devil and death, we were unable to set ourselves free. Left to our own devices we would have been eternally lost. Seeing our desperate helplessness and motivated by love, the Savior -- like Welch's father -- came to save us.
Yes, there are similarities.
But there are also dissimilarities between Joey Welch's story and ours. First, the Savior had no stranger offering assistance in the winning of our rescue. If we were to be saved, it was going to happen only because of His singular and special sacrifice.
But there's another difference between us and Joey Welch. The news story says he and his father emerged from that water without much damage. That was certainly not true for the Savior. When Jesus came into this world to save us, there was no doubt -- no question -- as to what would happen to Him.
So we might be freed from our enemies Jesus had to be beaten, whipped, spit upon and crucified. It was a price He was willing to pay for our forgiveness and eternity in heaven. As near as I can tell, St. Paul, without ever hearing of Welch and his father, understood all this. That's why he wrote:
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, may I always give glory to the Savior who gave Himself so that we might be rescued from the evils of our age. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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At the age of six, Joey Welch can probably understand the concept of good news and bad news.
For Welch, the bad news began when he went out canoeing with his father in south Florida. Before they launched he wandered down to the water's edge. That was when the alligator grabbed his arm. It was also when his screams told his father something had gone very, very wrong.
By the time Welch's father got to the boy, the alligator had already pulled him into water which was waist deep.
That's the bad news.
The good news begins when the father grabbed hold of his son with one hand and began hitting the alligator's head with the other. Dad was assisted in his rescue attempt by the arrival of a stranger, who began kicking the alligator in the stomach. Rather than suffering such embarrassing abuse, the gator decided it was better to let the boy go and beat a dignified retreat.
The good news is that Joey Welch is alive and well, suffering only the most minor of injuries.
In some ways, I think, Welch's story is ours. For example, we, like him, were helpless. Caught in the jaws of sin, the devil and death, we were unable to set ourselves free. Left to our own devices we would have been eternally lost. Seeing our desperate helplessness and motivated by love, the Savior -- like Welch's father -- came to save us.
Yes, there are similarities.
But there are also dissimilarities between Joey Welch's story and ours. First, the Savior had no stranger offering assistance in the winning of our rescue. If we were to be saved, it was going to happen only because of His singular and special sacrifice.
But there's another difference between us and Joey Welch. The news story says he and his father emerged from that water without much damage. That was certainly not true for the Savior. When Jesus came into this world to save us, there was no doubt -- no question -- as to what would happen to Him.
So we might be freed from our enemies Jesus had to be beaten, whipped, spit upon and crucified. It was a price He was willing to pay for our forgiveness and eternity in heaven. As near as I can tell, St. Paul, without ever hearing of Welch and his father, understood all this. That's why he wrote:
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, may I always give glory to the Savior who gave Himself so that we might be rescued from the evils of our age. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
TUESDAY'S QUIZ: What does the word "selah" mean as it is seen in several of the Psalms? kind of a trick question today. The meaning of the word is uncertain. All we know is that it has something to do with music. Maybe an accent mark or a mark for a refrain or something like that. (Good job Pam! What happened to everyone else?)
Wed- Gus's birthday
Thurs- National Day of Prayer Breakfast and service 6:30-8am
Fri- Set up for Ladies Aid and Little Lambs sales All day
Sat- Parking Lot and Pavilion Sale 7am-3pm; Craft, Bake, Vendor Sale and Luncheon 9am-3pm; worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30; Bible Study 9:45; worship 11; basement reserved for Angelina Ballerina Tea at noon
Come and enjoy a wonderful continental breakfast with many of your brothers and sisters in Christ from throughout the community and then spend some time in prayer and worship before going to school and/or work.
Breakfast begins at 6:30am
Prayer service begins at 7am and will last half an hour so that no one is late for school or work.
Do you like hunting for treasures?? Do you like good deals? Do you like good eats? Do you like to support your church and your preschool?
Then come up to church 7am-1pm and find all that you will need!!
Here's what we will have!!
1. Lunch: sloppy joes, hot dogs, pie, chips, drinks!!
2. Ladies Aid Bake and Craft Sale
3. Vendor Fair- Tupperware, Scentsy, Upper Case Living, etc.
4. Parking Lot Flea market/yard sale
There are still spots available in the basement and in the parking lot to sell your won stuff!! Call the church office today 456-2888!!!
All 7th-12th graders will meet next Wednesday, May 8 to go paintballing!!! We will leave church by 5:30 and be at Wacky Warriors by 6. Cost is $15 per person. It is three hours of paintball so we should be home by 9pm.
For TIM LINKE as he recovers from surgery.
For JEANETTE KOEHLER as she is hospitalized recovering from surgery to remove an infection in her leg.
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH, who will be having surgery June 14 to remove his bladder due to cancer.
For RICK SPINIOLAS who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and will be beginning chemotherapy on Monday.
For NANCY SPINIOLAS, his wife, who is dealing with severe back pain due to many years of using an artificial leg.
For RALPH SPOEDE who is dealing with cancer in both his kidney and in his brain.
For DOMINIC GENTILE, a friend to many at church and in the community, who is suffering with brain cancer and is recovering from surgery.
For JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, and Pat King's cousin on your prayers today as well. .
I have been compiling a list of servicemen who are members of St John's so that we can pray for them. Below is a list of them and where they are currently stationed. Please note that their stationing changes quickly, so this may not even be up to date, but it is the last known whereabouts that I have of these guys.
Danny Dreyer- Army- 2nd Lieutenant- graduating from Ranger school Today.
Sam Hargrove- Army- 2 Lieutenant- Ft Rucker, Alabama, will be going through helicopter flight school and other training
David Mincemeyer- Army- Army Specialist- Ft. Carson, CO
Jon Rahn- Navy- Hawaii, not sure of his rank at this time
David Tate- Air Force- 2nd Lieutenant- Kirtland AF Base, Albuquerque, NM
Alex Walters- Navy- E4- Guam
Ryan Woolf- Air Force- Airman 1st Class- Buckley Air Force Base, near Denver, CO
If there are more out there that I just don't know about, please let me know, and I will include him/her on the list.
Also, if you would like your family member or friend included in this list, please reply to this email with all the information!
Pray for these guys. Some of these guys are in harm's way right now, others are training to put themselves in harm's way. All of them have volunteered to serve and protect their country (which is you).
Danny Dreyer- Army- 2nd Lieutenant- graduating from Ranger school Today.
Sam Hargrove- Army- 2 Lieutenant- Ft Rucker, Alabama, will be going through helicopter flight school and other training
David Mincemeyer- Army- Army Specialist- Ft. Carson, CO
Jon Rahn- Navy- Hawaii, not sure of his rank at this time
David Tate- Air Force- 2nd Lieutenant- Kirtland AF Base, Albuquerque, NM
Alex Walters- Navy- E4- Guam
Ryan Woolf- Air Force- Airman 1st Class- Buckley Air Force Base, near Denver, CO
If there are more out there that I just don't know about, please let me know, and I will include him/her on the list.
Also, if you would like your family member or friend included in this list, please reply to this email with all the information!
Pray for these guys. Some of these guys are in harm's way right now, others are training to put themselves in harm's way. All of them have volunteered to serve and protect their country (which is you).
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