DEVOTION: (from LHM Pastor Ken Klaus)
For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them. Romans 12:4-6
I didn't think I would ever say it but, as of tomorrow, Pope Benedict XVI and myself will have something in common. And if you're asking, "What is this common ground?" I can share that both of us will be retired.
When my wife heard about the pontiff's decision, she turned to me and said, "I didn't know a pope could retire." She can be forgiven for not knowing. The last pope who stepped down was Gregory XII, who served as pontiff 70 years before Martin Luther was born.
There have been others who have, as Canon Law decrees, resigned "from an ecclesiastical office for a just cause." Some resigned for a noble purpose. In that category could be put Gregory the XII, who resigned because he wished to put an end to division within the church. Others have stepped down under a cloud. Such a man was Marcellinus (296-304), who was deposed because he had, as the Roman Emperor Diocletian had ordered, made a sacrifice to idols.
So there you have it. Pastors, priests and popes are allowed to step away from the position in which they have been serving. Indeed, anyone can step down, if they feel God wants them somewhere else. I hope you noticed I didn't say they can step down because they don't want to do anything anymore.
The truth is God has a job for each of us to do. That job may change depending on situation and circumstance, but God, most certainly, has a job for you to do.
That's a pretty strong statement, and it's pretty all-inclusive. Even so, it is true.
I remember one lady in my congregation who was dying, for her death did not come swiftly or easily. The particular cancer she had was slow and caused a great amount of physical pain. Still, from a sick bed she recognized God had given her a job to do.
First, she wrote to her grandchildren. To those who were in the faith, she offered words of encouragement, and to those who had wandered away from Jesus, she encouraged their return. Second, she tried, as much as she was able, to offer a Christian witness to the doctors and nurses, who were caring for her. She felt her job was to be as good a patient as she could possibly be.
Eventually, the day came when the Savior took her home. Her work was finished. Can I tell you the results of that work? Three of her grandchildren told me how grandma's letter had brought them back to Jesus. And the hospital people ... if it had been possible, the hospital would have closed down for this Christian lady's funeral. As it was, only a skeleton crew remained on duty, while the rest of the staff came to the funeral to give thanks to God for a Christian woman, whose job had been to point them to Jesus. Their attendance said she had done that job well.
So, I don't know what job the Lord has in store for Benedict the XVI, and I don't know what work He has entrusted to you. But for me, I give thanks the work He has entrusted to me allows me to talk about Jesus with you.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, place me and use me in that place where I may serve You best. May my life be a witness to the wonders of the love and salvation I have received from Your Son. In His Name I pray it. Amen.
MONDAY'S QUIZ: What was a mother, who had just given birth, supposed to give as a burnt offering and as a sin offering?
I didn't think I would ever say it but, as of tomorrow, Pope Benedict XVI and myself will have something in common. And if you're asking, "What is this common ground?" I can share that both of us will be retired.
When my wife heard about the pontiff's decision, she turned to me and said, "I didn't know a pope could retire." She can be forgiven for not knowing. The last pope who stepped down was Gregory XII, who served as pontiff 70 years before Martin Luther was born.
There have been others who have, as Canon Law decrees, resigned "from an ecclesiastical office for a just cause." Some resigned for a noble purpose. In that category could be put Gregory the XII, who resigned because he wished to put an end to division within the church. Others have stepped down under a cloud. Such a man was Marcellinus (296-304), who was deposed because he had, as the Roman Emperor Diocletian had ordered, made a sacrifice to idols.
So there you have it. Pastors, priests and popes are allowed to step away from the position in which they have been serving. Indeed, anyone can step down, if they feel God wants them somewhere else. I hope you noticed I didn't say they can step down because they don't want to do anything anymore.
The truth is God has a job for each of us to do. That job may change depending on situation and circumstance, but God, most certainly, has a job for you to do.
That's a pretty strong statement, and it's pretty all-inclusive. Even so, it is true.
I remember one lady in my congregation who was dying, for her death did not come swiftly or easily. The particular cancer she had was slow and caused a great amount of physical pain. Still, from a sick bed she recognized God had given her a job to do.
First, she wrote to her grandchildren. To those who were in the faith, she offered words of encouragement, and to those who had wandered away from Jesus, she encouraged their return. Second, she tried, as much as she was able, to offer a Christian witness to the doctors and nurses, who were caring for her. She felt her job was to be as good a patient as she could possibly be.
Eventually, the day came when the Savior took her home. Her work was finished. Can I tell you the results of that work? Three of her grandchildren told me how grandma's letter had brought them back to Jesus. And the hospital people ... if it had been possible, the hospital would have closed down for this Christian lady's funeral. As it was, only a skeleton crew remained on duty, while the rest of the staff came to the funeral to give thanks to God for a Christian woman, whose job had been to point them to Jesus. Their attendance said she had done that job well.
So, I don't know what job the Lord has in store for Benedict the XVI, and I don't know what work He has entrusted to you. But for me, I give thanks the work He has entrusted to me allows me to talk about Jesus with you.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, place me and use me in that place where I may serve You best. May my life be a witness to the wonders of the love and salvation I have received from Your Son. In His Name I pray it. Amen.
MONDAY'S QUIZ: What was a mother, who had just given birth, supposed to give as a burnt offering and as a sin offering?
"And when the days of her purifying are completed, whether for a son or for a daughter, she shall bring to the priest at the entrance of the tent of meeting a lamb a year old for a burnt offering, and a pigeon or a turtledove for a sin offering, and he shall offer it before the LORD and make atonement for her. Then she shall be clean from the flow of her blood. This is the law for her who bears a child, either male or female. And if she cannot afford a lamb, then she shall take two turtledoves or two pigeons, one for a burnt offering and the other for a sin offering. And the priest shall make atonement for her, and she shall be clean."
(Leviticus 12:6-8 ESV) Good job finding it Dianne!
WEDNESDAY'S QUIZ: What were some of the restrictions on the king of Israel?
(Leviticus 12:6-8 ESV) Good job finding it Dianne!
WEDNESDAY'S QUIZ: What were some of the restrictions on the king of Israel?
Wed- Baked potato,Chili and hotdog bar 5:30; Worship 6:30
Fri- 30 Hour Famine begins at noon
Sat- worship 5pm; 30 hr famine ends at 6pm
Sun- worship 8:30- Sunday school 9:45; worship 11am
Wed- Baked potato,Chili and hotdog bar 5:30; Worship 6:30
Fri- 30 Hour Famine begins at noon
Sat- worship 5pm; 30 hr famine ends at 6pm
Sun- worship 8:30- Sunday school 9:45; worship 11am
SO it is a baked potato, chili and hotdog bar!! Sounds very good on a cold and wet day like today doesn't it?
Come and hear all about the 40 days and nights that the water covered the earth.
There is a week and a half left! Get to Rural King and buy some stuff and bring your receipt to the church office!!
The kids have started a new program called CROSS EXPLORATIONS, that is very interactive and the kids say it is a lot of fun!! In our adult class we are working through a video based Bible study called "Foundations" with Ken Ham who is the founder of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum!!
A great time is planned for August 23-25 as we head to the Creation Museum just south of Cincinnati, Ohio. We will be making a stop at the Abraham Lincoln National Historic Site in Kentucky on the way. Along with the creation museum on Saturday, we will also enjoy a comedy on the Showboat majestic in the evening. On Sunday we will tour the national museum of the US Air Force in Dayton, Ohio. As usual, cost will depend on the number of people going. As of now it should run about $350 per person, plus meals, or $506 a couple. If you are interested in this trip, please sign the sheet on the counter in the narthex. Again you may invite your friends and family to join us.
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH, who is meeting with the doctor next Wednesday to find out about a possible bladder surgery to remove cancer.
For the FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF WIL PRITZEL who passed from death to life last Wednesday and whose funeral was yesterday.
For the FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF ANITA ALTHEIDE, (a friend of the Klaustermeiers from Hannibal) who passed from death to life this morning.
For AUSTIN HEITGERD as he continues to recover from knee surgery.
For LIL WINTER who is in surgery right now.
For CAROL KOHRS who is continuing to deal with pain due to severe arthritis and deterioration in her back and neck and recovery from gall bladder surgery.
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