(Jesus said) "He who comes to Me will never go hungry...." John 6:35b
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
The salvation story of Jesus Christ reaches around the world. So that the readers of our Daily Devotion may see the power of the Savior on a global scale, we have asked the volunteers of our International Ministry Centers to write our Friday devotions. We pray that the Spirit may touch your day through their words.
In Christ, I remain, His servant and yours,
Kenneth R. Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
I've been told that in their private moments politicians admit that a leader can get away with doing many bad things if he is clever enough to make sure that none of his people go hungry. These leaders know the negative impact an empty stomach can make.
Truly, the desire to have a full belly is a mighty big motivator. Consider
* a hungry man will put his life on the line for food;
* a hungry man will lower himself beyond normal imagining just to get food;
* a hungry man does not consider his dignity important when he desperately scavenges through garbage to find something to eat.
Earthly hunger is a powerful motivator. Now, let me ask, are people equally hungry when it comes to God?
* Do they pursue their spiritual needs as powerfully and with the same degree of commitment as they do their physical needs?
* Are they ready to humble themselves before the Lord and ask Him to fill the emptiness in their souls?
* And are they ready to be led to the life-giving Bread from Heaven: Jesus, God's Son, our Savior?
In Scripture, Jesus extended an invitation to all of sinful humanity. He called upon them to come and be fed by Him. He encouraged them to be filled with Him who is the only One who can save their souls, change their tomorrows, and grant them peace and joy for the living of every day.
Because Jesus has done all this to feed our starving souls we pray ...
THE PRAYER: Lord, we thank You for being our eternal Bread of Life. This I pray in the Name of the crucified and ever-living Savior. Amen.
Biography of Author: Today's international devotion was written by our co-workers at the Lutheran Hour Ministries office in Lebanon. Beginning in 1950 LHM-Lebanon, known in-country as Middle East Lutheran Ministry (MELM), uses locally produced radio programming in Arabic that utilizes Bible studies, meditations with hymns, Bible readings, commentaries, and plays to share the Gospel with people in countries throughout the region. From its ministry center in Beirut, local Bedouin receive the message of God's love as well.
WEDNESDAY'S QUIZ: Name one verse in Isaiah that talks about the Messiah. Isaiah 7:14 (Doug Herzog); Isaiah 42:1 Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations. (Denise Schlessemann)
TODAY'S QUIZ: What does the name "Hephzibah" mean?
Question: What two states do the Scriptures distinguish in Christ's work of salvation?
a. humiliation
b. exaltation
Fri- Last day of VBS; Jump into the River of Life; PIZZA for supper 5:30; FUN 6-8pm
Sat- Men's Retreat 9am-8pm; worship 5pm
Sun- worship 9; Sunday school and Bible class 10:15; worship 11am
St. John's organist and music director for the last seven years, Gene Hilgendorf, has decided to end his services to our congregation as of July 31.
We truly do appreciate his service and his time here at St. John's. He has truly been a blessing in many different ways to many different people during his tenure at St. John's and for many years before in several different churches.
His professionalism and dedication to his craft have been tremendous. He has put countless hours into working to make the music program at St. John's the best it could be. The many weeknights and weekends working with individuals, with the adult choir, with the bell choir, and with the organ have all been outstanding and truly blessed by the Lord. His knowledge of an organ and how it works is something that you just don't find in too many places anymore.
Most of all, it is his dedication to the Lord and doing things right and in good order to make sure the Lord is praised, that is going to be missed.
We wish him all of God's richest blessings as he goes into this new area time of his life. We pray that he has a wonderful time spending more time with his family, especially his son in Omaha, and as he looks to serve the Lord in other ways in different churches in the area.
Because she and Gene have moved to Ofallon, and because Gene is dealing with esophogeal cancer and treatments for it, Jeannie Siebold has decided to hang up her organ shoes and to retire from it (at least for the time being). We thank her for her many years of service to St. John's and for the blessing she has been to so many people in so many different ways, including leading the kids chime choir for several years, being a Stephen Minister, being chairwoman of Ladies Aid and serving n countless other ways. May God bless her as she continues to serve the Lord in other ways, byt aking care of Gene, by loving on her kids,g randkids, and great-grandkids, and by just being the loving person she has always been.
Because both Jeannie and Gene are retiring at the same time, it leaves a huge hole in our worship. While these holes will not be filled easily, we know that the Lord will take care of us! For the time being, if anyone knows of an organist who can fill in for the next few months (on a part time or full time basis) please call pastor at 359-1061!!
July 22- 8:30- Don and Ann Panhorst 11-
July 28- Pamb
July 29- 8:30- Don and Ann Panhorst 11-
Aug 4-
Aug 5- 8:30- Denise Schlesselmann 11- Mckenzie
Aug 11- Mckenzie
Aug 12- 8:30- Don and Ann Panhorst 11-
Aug 18-
Aug 19- 8:30- Julie Schaumberg 11-
Aug 25-
Aug 26- 8:30- 11- Mckenzie
Sept 1-
Sept 2- 8:30- 11-
Sept 8-
Sept 9- 8:30- Denise 11-
Sept 15-
Sept 16- 8:30- Julie S 11-
Sept 22-
Sept 23- 8:30- 11-
Sept 29- Mckenzie
Sept 30- 8:30- 11-
Oct 6-
Oct 7- 8:30- Denise 11-
Oct 13-
Oct 14- 8:30- 11-
Oct 20-
Oct 21- 8:30- Julie S. 11- Mckenzie
Oct 27- Mckenzie
Oct 28- 8:30- 11-
Nov. 3-
Nov. 4- 8:30- Denise 11-
Nov. 10-
Nov. 11- 8:30- 11-
Nov. 17- Mckenzie
Nov. 18- 8:30- Julie S. 11-
Nov. 24- Mckenzie
Nov. 25- 8:30- 11-
Dec. 1-
Dec. 2- 8:30- Denise 11-
Dec. 5- (Midweek Advent 1) Mckenzie
Dec. 8-
Dec. 9- 8:30- 11-
Dec. 12- (Midweek Advent 2) Mckenzie
Dec. 15-
Dec. 16- 8:30- Julie S. 11-
Dec. 19- (Midweek Advent 3) mckenzie
Dec. 22-
Dec. 23- 8:30- Mckenzie 11-
Dec. 24 (Christmas Eve) 7pm Mckenzie 11pm
Dec. 25 (Christmas day) 9am
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