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Jonas's Updates
Thursday, May 10
Posted 21 hours agoJonas made it though his last long hospital stay without vomitting once! He felt like that was a great accomplishment. He passed his time sleeping, reading, playing his bass, watching of History Channel and playing DrawIt and Scrabble with plenty of friends online. Thank you to friends who came to visit him and made the time pass so quickly, Rob, Kelli, and Cam Jordan, and Kelly Wells.
Mrs. Wells brought Jonas an End of Treatment Yearbook she created out of Dr. Suess's book Oh! The Places You'll Go. Inside the front cover she converted a really neat Dr. Suess-style poem that incorporates Jonas and his bravery through this cancer journey. He has already gotten lots of signatures from nurses and doctors, and I am trying to keep it with me wherever we go. You are all invited to sign it whenever we see you! I'll post a copy of the poem in the photo gallery too. Thank you, Kelly!! It's something I hadn't even thought of.... that will be a lovely keepsake in the years to come.
Jonas went to the hem/onc clinic on Monday of this week to get his blood checked and needed two units of blood. Yesterday he was experiencing extreme muscle pain in his neck and shoulder area and had difficulty even moving his arm. (A week earlier we had showed the doctor a rash on his shoulder. They thought it was simply ringworm and have had us treating it with Lotrimin.) I took him to the clinic this morning at 9am and upon closer examination the Dermatologist team decided that it was Lyme Disease! The Infectious Disease specialist came to our room shortly after that to tell us that... unless we had traveled to the North or Northeast, he could not have Lyme Disease because we don't have that here in Missouri.. at all. Instead, what we do have is called STARI, which stands for Southern Tick Associated Rash Illness from the bite of a Lone Star tick. And I remember clearly when this happened. The day before he went in for his 6 day stay.... he insisted on mowing the lawn one last time. He came inside all sweaty and telling me about a bug bite that really itched on his shoulder. At the time it was already developing that tell-tale red ring around it. Be sure to look at the pictures. This thing is now 8-10 inches in diameter. Yuck! (The good thing is that it is localized and completely treatable. It can continue to cause some discomfort but will go away completely with about three weeks of antibiotics.) Anyway, Once they had identified it, the doctors and nurses all came parading in to see it, saying that they wanted everyone to be able to identify the rash because, with the warm winter we had, they expect this to be a particularly bad season for ticks. I thought I might warn you all to keep and eye our for it, too. You can see more about this condition at this link: http://www.aldf.com/stari.shtml
So....... this puts off our admission to the hospital that was scheduled for tomorrow. Please note - If anyone was going to come visit Jonas in the hospital over the weekend for his final chemo stay --- HE WON"T BE THERE! We are now scheduled to begin his final chemo next Wednesday.
Thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for us these past weeks, Amber Dahm, Jessica Bobal, Christine Laird, Nikki Wiebenga, Sarah Manley, Marilyn Koshland, Kelly Wells, Jackson Atkins, Shelly Cornell, Linda Hubbuch, Melissa Gouldsmith, Terri Putthoff, Donna Everrett, Becky Morales, and Kent Tipton. From taking my 5 year old for a sleep-over, to popping in and washing my counter full of dishes, from providing a short coffee break, to playing games with Jonas online, and for all your wonderful, wonderful fundraising efforts..... I cannot thank you all enough.Send a message
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[Unable to display image]About Jonas
Jonas has been suffering from intense facial and headache pain
for approximately two months. His...
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12 years ago
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