DEVOTION: "Denial"
December 7, 2011
And when they were come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down, and worshipped Him. ... Matthew 2:11a
The month of December has our televisions putting forth a great many Christmas specials.
Of course, there are Christmas specials and there are Christmas specials.
Among the best of those featured is A Charlie Brown Christmas, which has Linus relating the entire story of Jesus' birth. At the other end of the spectrum will probably be a program that is going to air in Canada.
It is called A Russell Peters Christmas Special!
Although I know attempts at censorship often have a reverse effect, I would encourage our Canadian viewers to give that program a wide berth. Now I wouldn't ask that of you if I didn't have a reason.
The reason is this: Pamela Anderson -- the girl from Baywatch, the star of the TV series Stacked, the lady whose honeymoon film was videotaped and shared -- has been cast to play the role of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.
To be honest, I haven't seen the program or read the skit in which Ms. Anderson is featured. While it may be quite tasteful, I'm willing to go out on a limb and say it will probably strive for some pretty cheap laughs.
Explaining his choice of stars to an upset religious audience, Mr. Peters said they picked Pam Anderson because she is a Canadian, and they wanted Canadians on the show. I can understand that. We should support our local folk whenever we can. Still I wonder if there weren't any other Canadian actresses, actresses without a questionable reputation, who might have been called on to play the part.
This really takes us to the point of this devotion. In one way or another, the world has always tried to kill off the Savior. Herod tried to do it with his soldiers; comedians try to do it with their jokes. In spite of their best efforts Jesus remains for hundreds of millions, the Savior of the world, the Redeemer of our souls.
This is why, this Advent season if you're given a choice between going to a worship service or seeing one of these questionable Christmas specials, I pray you will see the Christ and not one of His disrespectful critics. I pray you may see that which is really special.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, the world doesn't want Jesus to be revered, respected or worshipped. I give thanks that in spite of king and comic, Jesus remains the Savior for millions, and He is the Savior for me. This Christmas may Christian pulpits proudly proclaim the coming of the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. In Jesus' Name. Amen
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December 7, 2011
The month of December has our televisions putting forth a great many Christmas specials.
Of course, there are Christmas specials and there are Christmas specials.
Among the best of those featured is A Charlie Brown Christmas, which has Linus relating the entire story of Jesus' birth. At the other end of the spectrum will probably be a program that is going to air in Canada.
It is called A Russell Peters Christmas Special!
Although I know attempts at censorship often have a reverse effect, I would encourage our Canadian viewers to give that program a wide berth. Now I wouldn't ask that of you if I didn't have a reason.
The reason is this: Pamela Anderson -- the girl from Baywatch, the star of the TV series Stacked, the lady whose honeymoon film was videotaped and shared -- has been cast to play the role of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.
To be honest, I haven't seen the program or read the skit in which Ms. Anderson is featured. While it may be quite tasteful, I'm willing to go out on a limb and say it will probably strive for some pretty cheap laughs.
Explaining his choice of stars to an upset religious audience, Mr. Peters said they picked Pam Anderson because she is a Canadian, and they wanted Canadians on the show. I can understand that. We should support our local folk whenever we can. Still I wonder if there weren't any other Canadian actresses, actresses without a questionable reputation, who might have been called on to play the part.
This really takes us to the point of this devotion. In one way or another, the world has always tried to kill off the Savior. Herod tried to do it with his soldiers; comedians try to do it with their jokes. In spite of their best efforts Jesus remains for hundreds of millions, the Savior of the world, the Redeemer of our souls.
This is why, this Advent season if you're given a choice between going to a worship service or seeing one of these questionable Christmas specials, I pray you will see the Christ and not one of His disrespectful critics. I pray you may see that which is really special.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, the world doesn't want Jesus to be revered, respected or worshipped. I give thanks that in spite of king and comic, Jesus remains the Savior for millions, and He is the Savior for me. This Christmas may Christian pulpits proudly proclaim the coming of the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. In Jesus' Name. Amen
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: Who was Titus?
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: Who was Titus?
(today's answer is straight from Dianne Hance)
one of Paul's converts and a considerable help to Paul in his ministry. When Paul left Antioch he took Titus with him Titus was a Gentile and believed to
be a capable and resourceful leader. He helped Paul at Ephesus, Corinth, Crete and Dalmatia.
be a capable and resourceful leader. He helped Paul at Ephesus, Corinth, Crete and Dalmatia.
TODAY'S QUIZ: What does the phrase "Abba Father" mean?
6th commandment: You shall not commit adultery
Question: What does this mean?
We should fear and love God so that we lead a sexually pure and decent life in what we say and do, and husband and wife love and honor each other.
Wed- supper 5:30; bells 6; worship 7; choir 7:30
Thurs- nothing scheduled
Fri- Bible study at Hendershot's 7pm
Sat- 9-11 Children's program practice; 3rd-7th grade singers - 9:00; 7th & 8th grade instrumentalists - 10:00; worship 5pm; youth group Christmas party 6:30
Sun- Bible study 8; worship 9; Sunday school and Bible study 10:15
If you weren't in church yesterday come next Sunday to see what that means.
TONIGHT, WEDNESDAY, DEC 7 is the second Midweek Advent dinner and worship.
If your elder is Jim Rahn, SteveMcDowell, or Dave Winter you are responsible for bringing a side dish, and a salad or dessert for our first dinner. Your elder will be calling you in the days and weeks ahead.
We will be having a special interview with ABRAHAM as part of our worship at 7pm!
They will be distributed next week so please get them in pronto!
Hey high school kids, please come to Gary and Teresa Scott's house with a white elephant (funny joke gift) to share and to enjoy some good food, fun, and fellowship.
Please sign the sheet in the narthex by Wednesday, Deember 14. They are $12.50 each.
Each time you purchase flowers and other gifts from A MOMENT OF GRACE and tell them you are a member at St. John's, the church receives a tithe from them. A Moment of Grace is located at 511 N Hwy 47 and the phone number is 456-9334.
PRAYERS: (If I have missed anyone please let me know.)
For EMMA, seven year old granddaughter of Terry and Lynn Russell, and great granddaughter of Elaine Schauer, who has an unidentified growth near her abdomen.
For the FAMILY OF BILL SAGER, former member of St. John's who moved to Oklahoma about five years ago, as he passed away Sunday night after a stroke and who is being laid tor rest today.
For EARL AND PAT EHLMANN, former members of St. Johns, as Earl's father passed away at age 101.
For THE FAMILY OF RUTH CANTRELL as they mourn her passing from death to eternal life.
For the FAMILY OF LEONARD BASS as he passed away to Wednesdays ago and his funeral was last Friday.
For CHERYL HAZEL who is Lil Winter's, daughter in-law's cousin. She has Stage 4 bone cancer.
For BONNIE FRENZIA who is doing much better at home.
For RICH (son of Burket Fickle - she works for Dr. Brady DDS here in Warrenton). He has been, and is, very sick and keeps running high fevers and they don't seem to find out what is causing his illness.
For KEN WAGNER who is at St. Joes in St Charles, and is going through physical therapy after a fractured vertebrae in his neck.
For JANICE MCKENZIE who is having trouble w/ breathing and is undergoing tests.
For ED KOHRS who is at Delmar Gardens in Chesterfield
For Robyn McNew's cousin MARY KUTRIP who is dealing with terminal cancer and has quit doing treatments for it.
For JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, who continues to be up and down because of chemotherapy treatments.
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