For all but three years of my parish ministry I had a parochial school. That means I had a quarter-century of opening-day emotions. On that day I often tried to get down to the kindergarten to help with the tears, the sobs, the feeling of loneliness and lostness ... and that was from the moms. Sometimes I was even asked to help with the children who were upset. Most of the time our teachers took care of things. They would take a child to the side, give a hug, and talk quietly and patiently with the distraught little one. It was amazing to see the miraculous transformation those teachers could bring about. Apparently a kindergarten in Virginia Beach, Virginia, has a different technique. There a kindergartner, Bronson Clark, was upset about having to leave mom. He was so upset he did some serious crying. For that grave infraction of the rules the little one was given an out-of-school suspension. You see this particular kindergarten has a zero-tolerance policy in regard to children disturbing a class -- and a lonely child's tears are a disturbance. It is my hope that you and all those you know do not have a similar policy in regard to Jesus and the tears He shed. If you look at the Savior's life, you will find a number of times He cried. Jesus cried at the tomb of His dead friend, Lazarus; He cried for the city of Jerusalem, which He knew, in a few short years, would be destroyed; He cried out from the cross as He allowed Himself to be sacrificed for our forgiveness and salvation. Did you ever think there is a pattern there? Look carefully and you will see Jesus always cried and cried out for others ... not for Himself. Yes, in the Garden of Gethsemane He prayed, if it were possible, that the cup of suffering might be removed from Him, but even there Jesus put us first. The depth of Jesus' concern for the world's sinners is something beyond my understanding. If I had been in the Savior's place and looking at Jerusalem in the distance, I would not have been brought to tears by her upcoming destruction. On the contrary, I probably would have murmured something like: "Reject me, will you? Jerusalem, you're looking at some nasty times ahead. You can count on them. After all you have rejected me, haven't you?" This is just one of the many reasons why Jesus is the Savior and I am the person being saved; it's the reason I'm the sinner being rescued and He's God's Son who is doing the rescuing. And that's why -- as a forgiven and redeemed sinner -- I'm going to try to live in a way that will make the Savior smile and not cry. THE PRAYER: Lord, I give thanks that Jesus cared so much for sinners. Now, as a redeemed member of the family of faith, may I live in a way that shows my appreciation. In His Name. Amen. |
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: Who was Hushai? Hushai was a trusted friend of King David. He played a pivotal role in David's defeat of his rebellious son Absalom
TODAY'S QUIZ: For what instrument was Psalm 5 written?
Question: When is a person unworthy and unprepared ?
Answer: A person is unworthy and unprepared when he or she does not believe or doubts Christ's words, since the words "for you" require all hearts to believe.
Mon- Anna Sutherland
Tues- Nicholas Schulze
Wed- John Howard
Thurs- Dulci Rahn, Abby Vossen
Sat- Lydia Miller
Sun- Christina Benke, Molly Hendershot, Jacob Winn
Tues- Charles and Marlys Mertens
Tues- Quilters 9-2; Bible study 11:30-12:15; council 7pm
Wed- Ladies Aid 1pm; bells 6:30; choir 7:30
Thurs- Maundy tursday worship 7pm
Fri- Good Friday worship 7pm
Sat- set up for Easter breakfast 8am; NO WORSHIP
Sun- Easter sunrise worship 6:30am; Easter breakfast 7:45; Easter egg hunt 9am; worship 10:30am
Projector- Thurs McKenzie; Fri McKenzie; Sun 6:30 Mauch; 10:30 McKenzie
Elder- Thurs- Linke, Sun 6:30 Talbert; 10:30 Tinnin
Ushers- Thurs- Boeger, Schulze, Sherman, Nolte; Fri- Hance Dieckmann, Weigle, Stark; Sun- 6:30- Dieckmann, Luebke, Callies, Sweet; 10:30- Heitgerd, Linke, Walters, Linke
Acolyte- Thurs Emma Tinnin, Fri- Sutherland; Sun- 6:30- Ivy Tinnin, 10:30- Vossen
Lay reader- 6:30 Dreyer; 10:30- Vossen
Greeters- 6:30- Sherman 10:30- Schaumberg
Altar- Thurs Setup- McKenzie; Clean Up Turnure; Friday Set up McKenzie; Sunday set up Callies/Vohsen cleanup- Frick
Organist- Thurs- Hilgendorf; Fri- Dieckmann Sun- Hilgendorf
Tellers- Team #4
Thanks to Terry McKenzie there are only a few dates left! Notice that most of them are Saturday evening!! July 3 is the only Sunday that we need someone. Sign up and get me off your back and out of your email inbox!
> >April 21 (Maundy Thursday)- Mckenzie
> >April 22- (Good Friday)- Mckenzie
> >
> >April 24 (Easter)- 6am Mauch 10:30am- Mckenzie
> >
> >April 30- Mckenzie
> >May 1- Figura
> >
> >May 7-
> >May 8- Denise Schlesselmann
> >
> >May 14-
> >May 15-Woolf
> >
> >May 21-
> >May 22- Mckenzie
> >
> >May 28- Figura
> >May 29- Schlesselmann
> >
> >June 4- Mckenzie
> >June 5- Panhorst
> >
> >June 11-
> >June 12- Mckenzie
> >
> >June 18-
> >June 19-Woolf
> >
> >June 25-
> >June 26- Panhorst
> >
> >July 2- Mckenzie
> >July 3-
> >
> >July 9-
> >July 10- Figura
> >
> >July 16-
> >July 17-Woolf
> >
> >July 23-
> >July 24- Panhorst
> >
> >July 30-
> >July 31- Mckenzie
Maundy Thursday- 7pm
Good Friday- 7pm
Resurrection Sunday- worship 6:30am; breakfast 7:45; Easter egg hunt 9am; worship 10:30am
Come and join us as we celebrate the passion of the Christ and His resurrection as well because He has made it ours! Note that we do not have a benediction ast the end of Maundy Thursday or Good Friday because it is considered all one worship with time in between.
CARE PROCESS TO START WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 AT 6:30pm with a congregation meeting.
The leaders of our church and many others would appreciate as many people being there as possible.
Let me know if you need someone to watch your kids so you can be there.
Even if you have no conflicts within the church, it would be good for you to be there to lend your encouragement and support to those who need it and to show your concern for your brothers and sisters in Christ. Besides, you may have use for some of the things you learn in other parts of your life.
I really want you all to make every effort to be there. I will find a babysitter for you if you need one.
We are planning for all Youth to do Hwy 47 clean-up on Sunday, May 1 (weather permitting). We will meet in the Youth room after the service to have a devotion and then head out. Afterwards we will go to Binkley park and have a picnic lunch.
The folks in Japan have been dealing with the effects of a very severe earthquake that caused a lot of destruction. We truly need to continue to help them in any way we can. Go to to see how you can help.
PRAYER REQUESTS: (Please reply to this email to have prayer requests posted.)
For ROBYN MCNEW'S BROTHER, KEN MEYER, who suffered a severe heart attack and is unresponsive after surgery.
For GERTIE BESSERT, sister of Gene Hilgendorf, who is nearing the end of ehr life after a long, hard battle against cancer.
For NAOMI JOHNSON'S COUSIN, REBECCA TEDFORD, who is doing much better after a severe heart attack at age 39.
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is awaiting the results of a biopsy surgery he had on Friday.
For MARY SUE TOEDEBUSCH who is having serious problems and pain due to reumatoid arthritis.
For PAT MANNESS, former member of St. John's who is going to have to have hip replacement and is in very poor health in many different ways.
For RUTH CANTRELL who is still having problems with her eye and with headaches. THe cause has yet to be identified.
For OUR CHURCH as we begin to deal with our many conflicts and how to best resolve them and reconcile with one another.
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