Have a great day!
Bike route
Have a great day!
Men's breakfast tomorrow morning (Sat) at 8am!!
It is always a good time good food, and a good chance to grow in god's Word and get to know some other real Christian men like yourself!
Tomorrow, Saturday, Feb 1, 8am!!!
We are usually done by 9:30 at the latest unless you wanna stick around and do some work.
Many of you have already let me know you are coming! If you haven't, please do so ASAP!!
Creation vs. Evolution Debate Tuesday, 2/4 at 6pm at Warrenton Christian Church
It is this coming Tuesday beginning at 6pm! Make plans to attend!
Pastor is biking 3/4 of the way across Kansas June 10-13
A blessed Friday to all of you.
As some of you may know I have been supporting CCCS (Children's Christian Concern Society) for many years. About a year ago they decided to change their name. The new name for the organization is Lead a Child. Their website is leadachild.org. Check it out when you have time.
One of the big fundraisers they do every year is the BAK (Bike Across Kansas). They raise pledges ahead of time and all of the money they raise goes to provide Lutheran schools and Christian education in about 30 third world countries.
This year I AM GOING TO JOIN THEM FOR PART OF IT. I will start in Elinwood, KS and go to Hiawatha, KS. A trek of about 279 miles. You can check out the route and where we will be each day on the website.
I am telling you this so that you may support this great cause. I can't think of any organization that better serves our purpose as Christians of making disciples of all nations.
Make checks payable to Lead a Child and either send them directly to Lead a Child, or you can give them to me and I will make sure they get to the right place..
Have a blessed day!
Fwd: [Creation VS Evolution DEBATE] Check out this incredible response made in...
Thurs. Jan 30, 2014
Can you imagine you just fled Egypt overnight, you are on your way out of town with a couple hundred thousand other people, there is chaos all around, you are just trying to keep your kids close to you and move ahead, and then you look back and there are hundreds of chariots with guys in them who want to catch you, capture you, and if they don't beat you and your kids to death, they will make your slavery worse than it was before, and then Moses gets up in front of you all and says, what he says above?
I would have a lot of trouble not being deathly afraid of what is going to happen to my children and to me. Logic would simply say that you are doomed. Common sense would tell you to start walking back and give yourself up. But then you see Moses taking that famous staff that you've heard so much about, and raising it up over the water. Then you see the waters begin to pile up on either side of that staff. Then you see dry ground appear in the middle and Moses says, "Let's go!" You aren't out of the woods yet. You still have to cross, but from what you've just seen you are pretty sure everything is going to be alright. You get this calm sense that even if you don't make it to the other side, everything is going to be alright, because the Lord is with you and He will save you.
Whatever you are going through in your life right now, know that the Lord is with you. He is on your side! He will part the waters for you. He will care for you in good times and in bad, and you WILL MAKE IT TO THE OTHER SIDE! HEAVEN!
Let us pray: Lord God, help me to trust in you, even when things seem impossible and completely hopeless. In you there is complete hope! Amen.
TUESDAY'S QUIZ: How many plagues were there and what were they? Good job Dianne! She's back on top!
Begins in Exodus 7:14 thru Exodus 12 10 Plagues in all
The Plague of Blood
the Plague of Frogs
The Plague of Gnats
The Plague of Livestock
The Plague of Boils
The Plague of Hail
The Plague of Locust
The Plague of Darkness
The Plague on the Firstborn
Yesterday we forgot to add the plague of FLIES right after gnats.
WEDNESDAY'S QUIZ: What Moses' mom's name? Jochebed
THURSDAY'S QUIZ: Who (or what) was traveling in front of the nation of Israel and leading them until they got to the Red Sea and then went behind them to protect them?
Sat- The Story Chapter 4 Study 4pm; worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school and Adult Bible class on The Story Ch. 4 9:45
Acolytes- 8:30- SOPHIE TINNIN; 11- Kailyn Blechle
Altar guild- Set up- Lucille Luebke; Clean up- Sandy Robine
Greeters- 8:30- Dianne Feldkamp; 11- Steve and Sandy Robine
Elders- Sat- Charlie Figura; 8:30- Rich Boeger; 11- Dave WInter
Lay Readers- Sat- Sandra Perricone; Sun- Jennifer Figura
Sat. Pianist- Barb Dreyer
8:30 Ushers- Dave Winter, Gary Scott, Larry Schulze, Scott Schulze
Come to worship and Bible Study to hear all about how God used Moses to deliver his people, Israel, out of the hands of slavery and gave them a new purpose.
They come from members who buy them in honor of someone or something or in remembrance of someone they love who has gone to heaven. Please consider doing this yourself! They are $25 each. The chart to sign up is on the bulletin board in the narthex and you can pay for them by putting a check in the offering plate with an envelope that says what it is for.
Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and learning HOW WE GOT THE BIBLE!! Let me know if you are coming!!____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Tickets are on sale in the narthex before and after worship or you can call the church office during the week to get yours! Come and enjoy a wonderful time, wonderful food, and get lots of good deals and on stuff that you will really use and need!!
TRIVIA NIGHT WAS GREAT THIS PAST SATURDAY!! A big thank you to Lois Boeger for organizing the whole thing!!!
WORK DAY WAS GREAT THIS PAST SATURDAY! A big thanks to all the guys who took time out of their Saturday to put new lights in the preschool!
A big part of The Story experience is that the whole family grows together in it as each person in the family reads it, you will all literally be on the same page. yet, it may be hard to get discussion going or to help you get started together. Are you looking for a way to connect with your kids as they and you read The Story together? There's help!
If you click the link below you will find parent pages for all age groups that you can use to connect with your kids at least once a week. Whenever your "together" time is, make it productive. It is a .pdf file of parent pages that goes from lesson one all the way through 31. Check it out and tell me what you think. I think they are excellent!!
In order to give everyone a chance to participate fully in The Story we have added a Saturday afternoon Bible study at 4pm. This is especially good for those who normally attend worship on Saturday evening, but is for EVERYONE who wants to attend!!
PRAYER REQUESTS: (If you have a prayer request please reply to this email or call me at 636-359-1061)
DAVE CALLIES, as he recovers from knee replacement at DePaul Rehab.
JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, as he continues to deal with cancer in his lungs.
DONNA HEITGERD recovering at Scott and Lani Heitgerd's from a broken hip.
WILMA WEIGLE as she continues to recover from pneumonia and other complications due to brain surgery.
PAMELA, a friend of Kathy Fischer, who is suffering with a different types of cancer and is recovering from surgery.
Sermon from last Sunday
Wed. Jan 29, 2014
Every time we see people who are in the presence of God in the Scriptures it is always a dramatic scene. People are either falling down dead, lying prostrate on the floor with their faces on the ground, or hiding their face like Moses does in today's reading.
A lot of times I think we have become a little too casual, a little too at ease with God. We have brought God down to our level a bit too much. He is Almighty God after all. When we are in His presence we are on holy ground and we should treat it as such.
The trouble, or should I say the blessing, with that is God is present everywhere. There is nowhere that we aren't in His presence. It is a curse, because He sees our sin no matter where we are. There is no sin, no matter how big or small, that we can hide from Him.
Simultaneously it is also a blessing because His presence in us and with us has made us holy in spite of our sins. We need not fear His presence anymore like Moses and Isaiah did at first. We have had done to us what Isaiah had done to him in Isaiah 6:6-7. Our guilt has been taken away and our sin atoned for.
Now we live in His presence in reverent fear knowing that He has had mercy on us. We honor Him with our hearts, minds, and lives because He is our ever present help in time of trouble and He leads me through the valley of the shadow of death.
Prayer: Lord God thank you for being ever present in my life and for never leaving me or forsaking me. Holy Spirit, make me to honor you with my life! Amen.
TUESDAY'S QUIZ: How many plagues were there and what were they? Good job Dianne! She's back on top!
Begins in Exodus 7:14 thru Exodus 12 10 Plagues in all
The Plague of Blood
the Plague of Frogs
The Plague of Gnats
The Plague of Livestock
The Plague of Boils
The Plague of Hail
The Plague of Locust
The Plague of Darkness
The Plague on the Firstborn
WEDNESDAY'S QUIZ: What Moses' mom's name?
Wed- Choir 7pm
Sat- The Story Chapter 4 Study 4pm; worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school and Adult Bible class on The Story Ch. 4 9:45
Acolytes- 8:30- SOPHIE TINNIN; 11- Kailyn Blechle
Altar guild- Set up- Lucille Luebke; Clean up- Sandy Robine
Greeters- 8:30- Dianne Feldkamp; 11- Steve and Sandy Robine
Elders- Sat- Charlie Figura; 8:30- Rich Boeger; 11- Dave WInter
Lay Readers- Sat- Sandra Perricone; Sun- Jennifer Figura
Sat. Pianist- Barb Dreyer
8:30 Ushers- Dave Winter, Gary Scott, Larry Schulze, Scott Schulze
Tickets are on sale in the narthex before and after worship or you can call the church office during the week to get yours! Come and enjoy a wonderful time, wonderful food, and get lots of good deals and on stuff that you will really use and need!!
TRIVIA NIGHT WAS GREAT THIS PAST SATURDAY!! A big thank you to Lois Boeger for organizing the whole thing!!!
WORK DAY WAS GREAT THIS PAST SATURDAY! A big thanks to all the guys who took time out of their Saturday to put new lights in the preschool!
A big part of The Story experience is that the whole family grows together in it as each person in the family reads it, you will all literally be on the same page. yet, it may be hard to get discussion going or to help you get started together. Are you looking for a way to connect with your kids as they and you read The Story together? There's help!
If you click the link below you will find parent pages for all age groups that you can use to connect with your kids at least once a week. Whenever your "together" time is, make it productive. It is a .pdf file of parent pages that goes from lesson one all the way through 31. Check it out and tell me what you think. I think they are excellent!!
In order to give everyone a chance to participate fully in The Story we have added a Saturday afternoon Bible study at 4pm. This is especially good for those who normally attend worship on Saturday evening, but is for EVERYONE who wants to attend!!
PRAYER REQUESTS: (If you have a prayer request please reply to this email or call me at 636-359-1061)
DAVE CALLIES, as he recovers from knee replacement at DePaul Rehab.
JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, as he continues to deal with cancer in his lungs.
DONNA HEITGERD recovering at Scott and Lani Heitgerd's from a broken hip.
WILMA WEIGLE as she continues to recover from pneumonia and other complications due to brain surgery.
PAMELA, a friend of Kathy Fischer, who is suffering with a different types of cancer and is recovering from surgery.
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Creation VS Evolution DEBATE] SPREAD THE WORD! Awesome opportunity for...
Tues. Jan 28, 2014
Can you imagine, day after day, year after year, being burdened with slavery? Can you imagine being beaten day after day and hearing the stories of how your family used to be big shots in Goshen and had the best land and the best of everything? Sounds like a horrible existence, doesn't it?
There are many in our world who are going through just this kind of trouble. There are people who are living miserable lives, because of their own sin or because of the sin of others. There are Christians who are at this very moment being persecuted and even killed for their faith in Christ. There are children who are growing up as slaves. There are millions of people living in dire poverty.
What do they need? They need the love of Christ!! What does this look like? It looks like food and shelter for those who are starving and homeless. It looks like forgiveness for those whose own sin has caused their terrible situations. It looks like love for a hurting world in the form of the preaching and teaching of the pure Gospel of Christ's love and forgiveness. It looks like Jesus!
In the reading for today, the Lord heard their cry and delivered them out of the hand of the Egyptians. He does the same for all of us. We were in the slavery of sin and some of us still are. What do we need today and every day? WE NEED JESUS! We all need him to rescue us and give us Himself!
Prayer: Lord God, thank you for delivering us from the slavery of sin and giving us an eternal FREE life. Amen.
MONDAY'S QUIZ: What did Pharaoh order to be done with every Hebrew male child? They were to be thrown in the NIle river and be drowned
TUESDAY'S QUIZ: How many plagues were there and what were they?
Wed- Choir 7pm
Sat- The Story Chapter 4 Study 4pm; worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school and Adult Bible class on The Story Ch. 4 9:45
Acolytes- 8:30- Conner Figura; 11- Kailyn Blechle
Altar guild- Set up- Lucille Luebke; Clean up- Sandy Robine
Greeters- 8:30- Dianne Feldkamp; 11- Steve and Sandy Robine
Elders- Sat- Charlie Figura; 8:30- Rich Boeger; 11- Dave WInter
Lay Readers- Sat- Sandra Perricone; Sun- Jennifer Figura
Sat. Pianist- Barb Dreyer
8:30 Ushers- Dave Winter, Gary Scott, Larry Schulze, Scott Schulze
Tickets are on sale in the narthex before and after worship or you can call the church office during the week to get yours! Come and enjoy a wonderful time, wonderful food, and get lots of good deals and on stuff that you will really use and need!!
TRIVIA NIGHT WAS GREAT THIS PAST SATURDAY!! A big thank you to Lois Boeger for organizing the whole thing!!!
WORK DAY WAS GREAT THIS PAST SATURDAY! A big thanks to all the guys who took time out of their Saturday to put new lights in the preschool!
A big part of The Story experience is that the whole family grows together in it as each person in the family reads it, you will all literally be on the same page. yet, it may be hard to get discussion going or to help you get started together. Are you looking for a way to connect with your kids as they and you read The Story together? There's help!
If you click the link below you will find parent pages for all age groups that you can use to connect with your kids at least once a week. Whenever your "together" time is, make it productive. It is a .pdf file of parent pages that goes from lesson one all the way through 31. Check it out and tell me what you think. I think they are excellent!!
In order to give everyone a chance to participate fully in The Story we have added a Saturday afternoon Bible study at 4pm. This is especially good for those who normally attend worship on Saturday evening, but is for EVERYONE who wants to attend!!
PRAYER REQUESTS: (If you have a prayer request please reply to this email or call me at 636-359-1061)
DAVE CALLIES, as he recovers from knee replacement at DePaul Rehab.
JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, as he continues to deal with cancer in his lungs.
DONNA HEITGERD recovering at Scott and Lani Heitgerd's from a broken hip.
WILMA WEIGLE as she continues to recover from pneumonia and other complications due to brain surgery.
PAMELA, a friend of Kathy Fischer, who is suffering with a different types of cancer and is recovering from surgery.
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Mon. Jan 27, 2014
Do you ever think that maybe God forgot about you? Nothing seems to be going right, your plans aren't working out, your finances are dwindling, and you are just getting older and older with no hope in sight. We've all felt that way at times. The trouble with that is that it is out fault. It is our fault that it seems that way, because God hasn't moved, we have. We forgot about His promises to us, and we have forgotten about His will for our lives.
Contrary to popular belief, His will is not always that we prosper physically, that we have everything we ever wanted, or that we have nothing but ease and happiness in our lives. If that were the case we would be in real trouble. No, His will for our lives is that we remain faithful and that we grow closer to Him for the day of our salvation. Sometimes that means that we go through difficulties and struggles so we keep from straying too far away from the Lord.
The Israelites actually needed this time of slavery and hardship so that they would truly know and understand who their God was and what they needed for salvation. They needed it so that they would continue to be God's chosen people and not fall away completely.
The questions o ask yourself today are: What does God want me to do in this bad situation? What is He trying to teach me? Am I going about dealing with things in the right way? Am I being judgmental instead of godly? What does God think I need?
When you find the answers to these questions thank God for helping you through these situations and circumstances so that you can be closer to Him.
Prayer: Lord God help me to realize Your presence in every circumstance. Amen.
THURSDAY'S QUIZ: Which brother wanted to save Joseph from the pit when his brothers weren't watching? Reuben
Sat- The Story Chapter 4 Study 4pm; worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school and Adult Bible class on The Story Ch. 4 9:45
Acolytes- 8:30- ???; 11- Kailyn Blechle
Altar guild- Set up- Lucille Luebke; Clean up- Sandy Robine
Greeters- 8:30- Dianne Feldkamp; 11- Steve and Sandy Robine
Elders- Sat- Charlie Figura; 8:30- Rich Boeger; 11- Dave WInter
Lay Readers- Sat- Sandra Perricone; Sun- Jennifer Figura
Sat. Pianist- Barb Dreyer
8:30 Ushers- Dave Winter, Gary Scott, Larry Schulze, Scott Schulze
Tickets are on sale in the narthex before and after worship or you can call the church office during the week to get yours! Come and enjoy a wonderful time, wonderful food, and get lots of good deals and on stuff that you will really use and need!!
TRIVIA NIGHT WAS GREAT THIS PAST SATURDAY!! A big thank you to Lois Boeger for organizing the whole thing!!!
WORK DAY WAS GREAT THIS PAST SATURDAY! A big thanks to all the guys who took time out of their Saturday to put new lights in the preschool!
A big part of The Story experience is that the whole family grows together in it as each person in the family reads it, you will all literally be on the same page. yet, it may be hard to get discussion going or to help you get started together. Are you looking for a way to connect with your kids as they and you read The Story together? There's help!
If you click the link below you will find parent pages for all age groups that you can use to connect with your kids at least once a week. Whenever your "together" time is, make it productive. It is a .pdf file of parent pages that goes from lesson one all the way through 31. Check it out and tell me what you think. I think they are excellent!!
In order to give everyone a chance to participate fully in The Story we have added a Saturday afternoon Bible study at 4pm. This is especially good for those who normally attend worship on Saturday evening, but is for EVERYONE who wants to attend!!
PRAYER REQUESTS: (If you have a prayer request please reply to this email or call me at 636-359-1061)
DAVE CALLIES, as he recovers from knee replacement at DePaul Rehab.
JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, as he continues to deal with cancer in his lungs.
DONNA HEITGERD recovering at Scott and Lani Heitgerd's from a broken hip.
WILMA WEIGLE as she continues to recover from pneumonia and other complications due to brain surgery.
PAMELA, a friend of Kathy Fischer, who is suffering with a different types of cancer and is recovering from surgery.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "St. John's Group Email" group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "St. John's Group Email" group.
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The Lutheran Hour: January 26, 2014
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